Addressing conflict, complaints, and issues

There are options for students and staff experiencing conflict, have a complaint, or an issue with a member of the Victoria University of Wellington community.

Student Interest and Conflict Resolution team

You can contact the Student Interest and Conflict Resolution (SICR) team for a confidential conversation about your options for support and reporting.

The SICR team can talk to you about your options, which include:

  • Restorative approaches such as referral to the restorative justice team, a mediated discussion with the concerned parties or an informal chat with them on your behalf.
  • Referrals to specialist support services
  • Confidentially reporting your concerns so they are noted by the SICR team without taking any action if that’s what you decide
  • Addressing your concerns through alternative methods such as the SICR team creating a behavioural management plan to address the issue in collaboration with you
  • Formally reporting the issue to the University to assess whether it is a breach of the Student Conduct Statute pdf459KB or Staff Conduct Policy pdf234KB

To have a confidential conversation or receive advice please contact the Student Interest and Conflict Resolution team at

Alex profile picture

Alex Zuur-Dutil

Manager, Student Interest and Conflict Resolution

Student Experience and Wellbeing

 profile picture

Alex Zuur

Erica profile picture

Erica Schouten

Senior Student Interest and Conflict Resolution Adviser
Student Experience and Wellbeing

Caleb profile picture

Caleb Binns

Student Interest and Conflict Resolution Adviser
Student Experience and Wellbeing

 profile picture

Careen Jack

Leti profile picture

Leti Avei

Student Interest and Conflict Resolution Adviser

Student Experience and Wellbeing

Victoria University of Wellington Students’ Association Advocacy Service

Another support option available to all students is Victoria University of Wellington Students’ Association (VUWSA) Advocacy Service.

This is 100 percent independent from Victoria University of Wellington.

The VUWSA Advocacy Service can:

  • help you understand your options, rights and responsibilities
  • help you raise an issue or make a complaint
  • facilitate communication, mediate disputes, problem-solve
  • assist you in appeal procedures
  • prepare you for meetings and even attend them with you
  • advocate on your behalf
  • refer you to the best services to help

You can find more information on the VUWSA website.