Accommodation service complaints
How to resolve issues or make a complaint about a University Accommodation service.
The starting point if you can’t resolve a matter yourself is to speak directly to a staff member you know or to approach the hall reception for help. Health and safety, facilities and maintenance, catering, cleaning, and ongoing noise issues can usually be resolved through this mechanism.
Resolving issues that affect a number of students
In all situations, we encourage you to speak with a hall staff member. Other avenues for resolving issues impacting your floor or your hall, or all halls, include:
- Floor meetings—participation in our regular floor hui will also enable you to talk about how your experience is going, and to influence the shared norms, standards, and values your floor has set for your community. This is a good place to raise and resolve common room issues and matters that affect everyone on the floor.
- Hall residents’ committees—these committees in all halls enable topical matters that affect a wider group of residents to be raised and resolved quickly, and provide opportunities for floor and topic representatives to highlight any matters that arise throughout the year and take part in hall planning. If you are unsure who your floor representative is, speak to your Residential Adviser.
- VUWSA Halls Committee—in all halls, two or more representatives are elected to the VUWSA Halls Committee. This is the place where the elected representatives can raise issues and give opinions on behalf of fellow residents. The VUWSA Halls Committee ensures that the student voice from residents is heard, and supports residents’ wellbeing. If you have any issues, you can bring these up with your hall’s representative and they can advocate for you.
- Halls handbook—this has information about rules, requirements and policies for living in the halls.
If, after working with us, you are still not happy with how we’ve handled your concern, you are able to make a complaint using our online form.
More information how you can about give feedback, raise concerns or make a complaint about living in our accommodation.
If you'd like to make a complaint to the Student Interest and Conflict resolution team instead, you can do so by using this online complaint form.