Additional tutoring
Additional tutoring is available as part of your Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship if you need extra academic support.
Before we can approve additional tutoring, you need to use all the University support services that are available:
- Student Learning
- Pasifika Student Success mentoring
- meeting with your lecturer, tutor or supervisor to discuss any questions or difficulties
- any other available tutorials or assistance associated with your course.
If you still feel you need extra help, you can apply for the additional tutoring allowance.
How to apply
To arrange a tutor:
- Check the Policy Handbook (PDF) to see if you are eligible.
- Request a form from your ISO—this will include the steps you have already taken, the support you have already received, and the rationale for additional support.
- Email your ISO the request and make an appointment to see them. Even if you do not think you are eligible, you should let them know if you are having academic difficulties.
- If you are eligible, your ISO will either recommend a tutor or you will speak with your course coordinator, lecturer, tutor, supervisor or programme director about someone suitable.
- A tutor is organised and a certain number of hours will be approved by your ISO.
It's important to note:
- If scholarship funding for tutoring is approved, you’re entitled to a maximum of 30 hours of tutoring per year.
- If your ISO doesn’t have an existing relationship with a tutor in your particular discipline, they’ll ask you to talk to someone within your school or faculty to see if they can recommend a good tutor (often this is a senior student at your school).
- You and your tutor are expected to meet in person—a tutor is not a proofreader or someone who fixes your assignments and emails them to you. However, a tutor may be a general ‘academic writing coach’ if writing is the area you need help in.
Compulsory additional tutoring
For some courses the Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship provides additional tutoring as a standard component of your support, and you will automatically have additional tutoring arrangements made for you:
- if you have a conditional or final extension approved
- if you are on a Scholar Support Plan
- in the first year of any undergraduate course
- in every year of the following courses
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
- Bachelor of Engineering Technology
- Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Commerce.