Making a claim

Learn how to make a claim and what excess you’ll need to pay with Studentsafe Inbound University insurance.

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Making a claim

If you’re on the Studentsafe Inbound University policy, you might need to make a claim if you’ve:

  • lost money after travel plans were disrupted
  • had something stolen from you or broken in an accident
  • had medical treatment.

How to make a claim

You can use these methods to make a claim:

  • Claim online through the Studentsafe online claim portal.
  • Download and fill in the claim form, sign it, and send it to the email address on the form along with any supporting documents and receipts/invoices. Alternatively, you can email your claim to (the insurance adviser will forward your claim to the insurance company). Keep a copy of your receipts and invoices for your own records.
  • You can also pick up a claim form and drop off completed claim forms to Reception, the International Office, Level 2, Easterfield Building, Kelburn Parade. The insurance adviser will then forward your form to the insurance provider.


An excess is the amount of the insurance claim that you have to pay.

Under Studentsafe Inbound University insurance, you’ll pay:

  • $200 excess on all personal property claims
  • no excess on medical claims.

For example: Your $500 smartphone is stolen and Studentsafe approves your claim. You will have to pay $200, and Studentsafe Inbound University insurance will pay the balance of $300.

If the amount you’re claiming is less than the excess, you won’t receive any money.

For help, contact