Contact International Student Experience

International Student Experience staff are here to help with all current international students' needs.

Get in touch

The International Student Experience team are located at Level 2, Easterfield Building. Our offices are open between 9 am and 4.30 pm, and our services can also be offered online. You can contact the team by calling +64 4 463 5350 or using the email addresses below:

In an emergency

The number for all emergency services in New Zealand (Police, Ambulance, and Fire) is 111. If you need to return home urgently, become severely ill, have a serious accident or otherwise, you need to contact us urgently on the International Student 24/7 emergency line: 027 600 6864.

International Student Experience Team

Clemmie profile picture

Clemmie Newton

Associate Director, International Student Experience

Student Experience and Wellbeing

Student support and pastoral care

Crystal profile picture

Crystal Li

International Student Support Manager

Student Experience and Wellbeing

Rajneet profile picture

Rajneet Kaur

International Student Adviser

Student Experience and Wellbeing

Fuatino profile picture

Fuatino Tafunai

International Student Adviser
Student Experience and Wellbeing

Eden profile picture

Eden Ee

International Student Adviser

Student Experience and Wellbeing

Thanh profile picture

Thanh Huynh

International Administrator

Student Experience and Wellbeing

Manaaki New Zealand Scholarships Programme

Ryan profile picture

Ryan Stuart

International Development Scholarships Manager
Student Experience and Wellbeing

Vivian profile picture

Vivian Wei

International Development Scholarships Financial Administrator
Student Experience and Wellbeing

Rara profile picture

Rara Larasati

International Development Scholarships Student Adviser

Student Experience and Wellbeing

Dom profile picture

Dom Kafatolu

International Development Scholarships Adviser

Student Experience and Wellbeing