Where to make friends

It can be tricky figuring out where to make friends. In this segment, we provide you with a variety of areas and environments where friendships can begin.


At university, there are an amazing array of events and activities. From orientation to cultural and music performances, to debates and inaugural lectures. Events are an easy way to form new connections while enjoying getting involved in our community.

Tutorial groups

In smaller groups, through engaging in discussions and activities, you are given a better opportunity to get to know your peers.

Clubs and sports teams

In clubs and sports teams, you can connect with people who have shared interests, experiences and/or backgrounds as you.

Take a chance, ask a new person to have coffee together, who knows perhaps they're also seeking a new friend. Always treat any new person with kindness and hopefully you'll receive the same vibes back.


Te Herenga Waka staff member

Study groups

Most classes will have a student rep elected who will organise study groups via a messenger group chat, Facebook page, discord chat etc. This is an awesome opportunity to not only study and further your knowledge of course content and revise, but an opportunity to work alongside other students and through this, form connections.


Another opportunity to make friends is by sitting next to someone before a lecture begins and starting a conversation with them. You can connect through shared course subjects, interests and find other things in common.

Discussion boards

In the first couple of weeks of a course, there is often the opportunity to introduce yourself on a course’s discussion board and through this you may find other students you want to connect with.

Community rooms

The University has lots of spaces dedicated for particular communities of students like Pasifika spaces, Whānau rooms, the Rainbow Room, The Bubble, Access Suites, and prayer rooms. Community rooms offer opportunities to engage with other students with similar backgrounds, experiences or needs.


When you volunteer, you join others who care about the same causes you do. Volunteering offers a unique and rewarding way to build friendships that can last a lifetime. By dedicating your time to a cause you're passionate about, you'll not only contribute to meaningful change but also build connections with others who share your commitment.

Learn more about opportunities to connect with other students.