Developing strong, supportive friendships

This module is about great friendships and relationships, which are important for your wellbeing and having a good life.

The long-running Harvard Study of Adult Development has identified that “People who are more connected to family, to friends, and to community, are happier and physically healthier than people who are less well connected”.

In cultures and environments that encourage ‘going it alone’ and achieving at the expense of our relationships, loneliness and disconnection are common.  Friendships can help you deal with stress, boost your self-esteem, and give you a sense of belonging. Having strong social connections and relationships are a good indicator of a happy and fulfilling life so they are worth thinking about and investing time in.

We all need to actively build and maintain relationships so whether you want skills to start connecting more with others, or you want to challenge yourself to deepen your current friendships, this module is for you.