Keeping yourself safe online

In an increasingly digital world, it’s important to make sure you are only sharing your information with people and organisations you trust.

It’s important to be aware of the risks and take steps to protect yourself and your personal accounts.

Here are a few tips to make sure you keep yourself safe online:

  • Look after your personal details in the same way you would your personal possessions.
  • Don’t trust anyone who calls you and asks for your financial-related information, such as your account details and password. Simply hang up, call them on their published contact 0800 number or arrange a meeting at the relevant agency branch.
  • Be aware of common scams. Banks, companies, Embassies, Consulates, Immigration New Zealand and other government departments will never email, call or text customers to ask for personal details. They'll never for passport information, credit card numbers, passwords, pin numbers, or for money to be sent using money transfer services. If you receive a request like that, it's a scam.
  • Create good passwords. This means using a different password for every online account you have, making your password long and strong, and keeping your password somewhere safe like a password manager.
  • Use two-factor authentication. You can enable two-factor authentication for your University accounts by following this guide. You can find more information about why and how to enable two-factor authentication for your personal accounts on the OwnYourOnline portal.
  • For more information about how to stay safe and secure online, check out the OwnYourOnline guides. OwnYourOnline was created as part of the government’s work on cybersecurity awareness.
  • If you receive a call or an email that doesn't seem right, be cautious and double-check the details first.
  • If you receive a phone call threatening you or your family, hang up and call the police immediately on 111.
  • If you believe you have been targeted by a scam, report it immediately by visiting the Consumer Protection’s Scamwatch website.