Improving student experience
Find out more about our student surveys and read recent results.
We value our students’ opinions. We typically run four surveys each academic year.
- Student Voice—Getting Started
- Student Voice—Have Your Say
- The YOU Student Wellbeing Survey
- Graduate Destinations Survey.
Student Voice—Getting Started
The Student Voice—Getting Started survey runs from Monday 10 March to Sunday 16 March for all new students. Tell us about your initial impressions of life on campus, as well as your enrolment and orientation experience. We want to hear from you.
The survey is open to all new students starting their studies in Trimester 1 2025.
There will be prizes to win throughout the week for those who complete the survey:
- Four $50 cash prizes
- One grand prize of $300.
Prize winners will be selected at random and notified by email. Students who complete the survey will be entered into all subsequent prize draws, and all students who complete the survey will go into the draw to win $300.
Any questions can be sent to
2024 survey results
2024 Trimester 1 Student Voice—Getting Started results
Based on your feedback, we will be working towards the following improvements:
- Communication—enhancing the clarity and accessibility of information.
- Support and Accessibility—increasing responsiveness and inclusiveness in our support services.
- Orientation—Making orientation sessions more informative and engaging.
- Engagement—Creating more opportunities for you to get involved in university experiences.
Previous surveys
2023 Trimester 1 Student Voice—Getting Started results
2022 Trimester 2 Student Voice—Getting Started results
2022 Trimester 1 Student Voice—Getting Started results
Student Voice—Have Your Say
The 2024 Have Your Say survey was sent to all undergraduate and postgraduate students between 29 July–18 August. This survey aims to capture students' feelings on their university experience so far. It covers various aspects of student life, including academic experiences, services and space, technology, sustainability, and overall student wellbeing.
The results of this survey will be used to inform planning and initiatives related to student experience in 2025 and beyond.
If you have any questions, please email your queries to
2024 survey results
2024 Student Voice—Have Your Say results
YOU Student Wellbeing
The YOU Student Wellbeing Survey is a long-term project, which aims to understand more about how student experiences interact with their wellbeing.
Since 2019, we have asked students during each year of their study at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington to provide insights about how they are and about their student experience.
Wave 8 of the survey was sent to fourth-year undergraduate students on Monday 9 September 2024. This survey project is now complete and is no longer running.
The YOU research and admin team wish to thank all participants, and the final summary results will be sent to participants and will be published in instalments on our website when they are available.
Your responses to the follow-up surveys are very valuable and give us insights into how:
- the wellbeing of students changes over time
- to help improve the learning environment and support services at this university for current and future students.
There is a range of services and support available to all students. The University is here to help. You can find more information and contact details on Te Herenga Waka’s website.
If you have any questions, please email">
Graduate Destinations
The purpose of the Graduate Destinations Survey is to understand the types of employment, or further study opportunities, graduates may take up after completing their qualifications. It takes place in Trimester 2 each year and goes out to graduates who completed their studies between the beginning of July the previous year and the end of June in the current year.