Student email

Some University systems send email to your official student email account—you may want to set it up to forward messages to your preferred email address.

Some of the University's systems—including Nuku—are set up to send messages to your student email account. Others will use the 'preferred email address' that you specified in Pūaha. It can be helpful to forward messages from your student email account to a personal account that you already use.

Student username and email address

Your student username will typically be the first six characters of your last name plus the first four characters of your first name. In some cases, we’ll need to add a number to generate a unique username for you.

Your student email address will be your username followed by ‘’. This email account is sometimes referred to as a 'my vuw' account.

For example, if your name is Joanna Bloggs:

  • your student username will be bloggsjoan
  • your student email address will be

Accessing your 'my vuw' email

You can access your student email via Outlook, the email programme in Office 365.

Office 365 is a cloud-based application that gives you access to apps such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook while you're studying at the University. Use these instructions to access Office 365.

Forwarding your mail

If you don't want to check your student email address via Outlook, you can set up your account to forward messages:

  1. Log in to Office 365.
  2. Open settings (via the cogwheel icon on the top right of the page).
  3. Under 'Your app settings' click 'Mail'.
  4. Under 'Accounts' in the left side menu, select 'Forwarding'.
  5. Select 'Start forwarding' and enter your preferred email address.