Download an academic timetable
The 2025 Academic Timetable spreadsheet contains the teaching schedule for the 2025 academic year, including dates for two summers: 2024–25 and 2025–26.
View a list of the University’s scheduled classes, including lectures, tutorials, labs, and studios.
An annual list of classes for the University's scheduled courses is published as a spreadsheet called the Academic Timetable. This full timetable includes the time and location for lectures, tutorials, labs, and studios for every scheduled course offered that year.
Lecture days and times are scheduled first. Tutorials, labs, workshops, and studios are added as they are finalised during the first weeks of the trimester.
If any classes that are part of your course—or the course itself—aren’t in the timetable spreadsheet, contact your course coordinator.
You may find the full timetable useful if you are planning to change your courses and need to avoid having two classes at the same time. You can also ask your Student Success Adviser for help.
If you just want to see your personal timetable of lectures and other classes, visit Pūaha or use the myTimetable or myAllocator tools.
The 2025 Academic Timetable spreadsheet contains the teaching schedule for the 2025 academic year, including dates for two summers: 2024–25 and 2025–26.
Each course is represented in the spreadsheet by a set of rows. Each row has the time and location for a class—lecture, tutorial, lab, or studio—that is part of the course.
The first column shows the course code, for example, ACCY130 is the code for Accounting for Accountability and Decision Making.
The Course Reference Number (CRN) is a number unique to a course offered in any one year. The CRN distinguishes between identical courses that are:
This column indicates whether the class is a lecture, tutorial, lab, or studio.
This column indicates the time period for each class for each course. In many cases it will be simply 'Trimester 1', 'Trimester 2' or 'Trimester 1 + 2' (for full year courses), and therefore classes start in the first week of the trimester and finish at the end of the final assessment period.
In other cases:
Some courses are taught outside of the standard trimesters. In this case the date entry will be based on the Monday of the first week of the course to the Monday of the last week. For example, a course that is listed as running for “Wks of 11 Jul–15 Aug", will run from the week of Monday 11 July to the week of Monday 15 August.
Initials are used to show the days of the week:
If a class takes place at the same time on multiple days, they will share a row. For example, a class shown as 'MRF' will occur at the same time of the day on Monday, Thursday and Friday.
The time of each class is shown using 24-hour clock times. For example, '14:10' in the Start column means the class starts at 2:10 pm.
The location of each class is noted in the room column using a code made up of:
Classes that are held online are indicated by an empty cell for the room.