Download the 2025 Academic Timetable
The 2025 Academic Timetable spreadsheet contains the teaching schedule for the 2025 academic year, including dates for two summers: 2024–25 and 2025–26.
View your personal lecture and exam timetables, download timetables for University courses and exams, and sign up for tutorials, labs, and studio classes.
View your personal timetable in Pūaha, or use the myTimetable or myAllocator tools.
It may take 48 hours for your personal timetable to update when you first enrol in courses or if you add or drop courses during the trimester.
An annual list of classes for the University's scheduled courses is published as a spreadsheet called the Academic Timetable. This spreadsheet includes the time and location for lectures, tutorials, labs, and studios for every scheduled course offered that year.
You may find the spreadsheet useful if you are planning to change your courses and need to avoid having two classes at the same time. You can also ask your Student Success Adviser for help.
The 2025 Academic Timetable spreadsheet contains the teaching schedule for the 2025 academic year, including dates for two summers: 2024–25 and 2025–26.
Interpreting the Academic Timetable
Use the myAllocator tool to sign up for classes where you have a choice of times—such as tutorials, labs, and studios.
Classes won't show up in your personal timetable until you've signed up for them.
Not all classes are available in myAllocator at the start of the trimester. Tutorials, labs, workshops, and studios are added to myAllocator as the details for these classes are finalised. If the classes for your course don't appear, contact your course coordinator.
Neither the myTimetable nor myAllocator tools can be used to add or drop courses—you need to use the Student Records tool in Pūaha.
How to make changes to your courses
You will be able to see your exams, and other centrally scheduled assessment events, in your personal timetable in Pūaha. You can't see your exam timetable in the myTimetable or Student Records tools. Dates and deadlines for other course assessments—such as essays, assignments, and practical tests—are listed in Nuku.
Exams will appear in your personal timetable once the exam timetable is published approximately six weeks before the start of the final assessment period. For Trimester 1, this will be the middle of April, and for Trimester 2 this will be the end of August.