Grades and academic progress
Everything you need to know about assessment, grading, exams and making progress in your studies at Victoria University of Wellington.
Track your progress
Use the myDegree tool to measure your progress towards completing your degree—you can also get help from your Student Success Adviser.
Find out how and when you’ll get your grades, what the different pass and fail grades mean, how we calculate GPAs, and about Honours qualifications.
Academic difficulties
Your Student Success Adviser can help you get back on track with your studies. Find out when we might restrict or suspend your enrolment, and how to appeal.
Student and academic policies
Regulations covering admission, enrolment, fees, graduation, learning and teaching, postgraduate study, and changes to courses of study can be found online.
Graduating is a time to celebrate and reflect on your hard work to finish your degree. Learn about our graduation ceremonies and how to apply to graduate.