Pay your fees

Find out how and when to pay your fees, and how to get help from our financial advisers when applying for student loans and allowances.

When to pay

You can pay your fees once you confirm your enrolment. Your fees are due the Friday before your course begins each trimester.

If fees are not paid on time, you'll need to pay an additional late payment penalty of $154. If you're not able to pay your fees by the due date, contact our Student Fees Advisers by email at

If you haven't paid yet, find out what the options are for paying your fees.

Applying for loans and allowances

If you're paying your fees or applying for a student allowance with StudyLink, make sure you apply early.

To apply you need to make sure your courses as up to at least 96 points over two trimesters to be considered a full-time student.

If you're unsure if you meet the requirements for full-time study, contact our Student Fees Advisers by email at

Help with fees and finances

The Financial Advice team can help you to:

  • get control of your money and take the stress out of coping financially
  • get emergency help if you need it (through the Hardship Fund)
  • fill out Scholarship applications
  • sort out StudyLink issues related to loans and allowances.

The Managing your Money guide and the Money Matters guide for international students for helpful tips and advice.


StudyLink has an Outreach Office located on the ground floor of 195–201 Willis Street, between Dixon and Ghuznee Streets. Appointments are essential. Phone 0800 88 99 00 to make an appointment.

Studylink can also offer emergency funds. However, we recommend you make an appointment with the University's Financial Advice team to seek help first.