Before you start
Accept your Enrolment Agreement, make sure your fees are paid, and find accommodation so that you're ready to study before the trimester starts.

Sort your student account
Confirm your enrolment, set your password, and get your student account set up before you start your studies so you can access services and tools.

Make sure you've sorted out somewhere to live before the trimester starts. We can help you find a hall, flat (shared house), or homestay.

Pay your fees
Find out how and when to pay your fees, and how to get help from our financial advisers when applying for student loans and allowances.

Tau Mai week
if you've moving into a hall of residence, you'll take part in Tau Mai activities during the week before New Students' Orientation.

Orientation week
New Students' Orientation takes place the week before the start of each trimester, and involves welcomes, information sessions, and fun events.

Books and course notes
Buy or order your textbooks and course notes in advance so you're ready for when classes start.

Parents and whānau
Discover how you can support your child or whānau while they are studying, and help them get organised for the next stage in their lives.

Social media
Follow us on social media to keep up with news, events, and competitions—and be the first to hear what's happening across the University.