Renew or extend your insurance

If you’re studying in New Zealand for more than a year, you need to renew your Studentsafe Inbound University cover. You can suspend it in some circumstances.

You must have approved medical and travel insurance for the full length of your student visa.

Renew your Studentsafe Inbound University insurance

Your insurance cover is automatically renewed when you re-enrol each year—usually for 12 months at a time.

If you’ll be completing your studies and leaving New Zealand in less than 12 months, speak to International Student Experience about reducing your cover.

Family policies are not renewed automatically—you’ll need to contact International Student Experience.

Making changes to your cover

If there are any changes to your situation while you’re insured, you must tell the insurance advisor at International Student Experience, eg. if you’re no longer enrolled, or you switch your insurance to a different provider.

Changes to family policies

If there are any changes to your family, eg. a new baby or other family members joining you from overseas, contact International Student Experience to add them to your policy. They will not be automatically covered.

If your family leaves the country and you want to change from a family policy to an individual policy, contact International Student Experience before they leave. You may be able to get a partial refund.

Suspending your cover

Contact International Student Experience if you need to reduce your usual cover—insurance is not automatically suspended if you suspend your studies.

Travelling overseas during the holidays

If you return to your home country during the summer holidays and intend to return to continue study the following year, you won’t be able to suspend your insurance—you’ll need to keep paying for it while you’re at home. (Full degree students are insured up to 90 days, in respect of medical expenses up to NZ$200,000.)

Cancelling your policy and reinstating it when you return means that any medical conditions you received treatment for under the old policy will be considered pre-existing conditions and will no longer be covered.

Doctoral students travelling to study

Doctoral students can apply to suspend their cover for up to 180 days if they leave New Zealand for study or research related to their Doctorate.

If you’re undertaking the research:

  • in your home country, you’ll remain covered for your medical expenses and loss of deposits while you’re away—for everything else, you’ll need to arrange your own travel insurance
  • outside of your home country, you’ll need to arrange top-up cover using Explorersafe.

Cancelling your cover

If you’re completing study at the end of Trimester 1 or you’ve withdrawn from the University, you’ll need to contact International Student Experience to cancel your cover. Your insurance will not be cancelled automatically.

Insurance on the Wellington Global Exchange programme

If you spend a semester on student exchange with the Wellington Global Exchange programme, your Studentsafe Inbound University policy doesn’t cover you while you’re away—you’ll need to purchase additional travel and medical insurance for your trip.

You can’t suspend your Studentsafe Inbound University policy while you’re away, and it won’t be cancelled automatically. To cancel your policy, contact International Student Experience before you leave—you’ll have to reapply once you return.