

Be the voice of other students, and represent them and their concerns and ideas with lecturers, faculties and the University as a whole.


Victoria University of Wellington Students’ Association (VUWSA) makes sure you’re having the best experience possible during your years of study. It is independent from the University and free for all students of the University to join. Because it is student-led, student ideas shape everything it does.

The VUWSA executive consists of 10 elected students who are responsible for the direction and governance of VUWSA. The executive, and more than 1,400 class representatives and faculty delegates, are committed to making sure student voices and opinions are heard at all levels of the University. Each year, students have the opportunity to stand for a position on the VUWSA executive.

Class representatives

Class representatives act as liaisons between the lecturer and students. They also work with the Victoria University of Wellington Students’ Association (VUWSA) Student Representation Coordinator on any academic issues that may arise in their course.

Reps are elected by students by the third week of classes every trimester. Once elected, class reps register online and complete their online training through the VUWSA website. Representation may be approved (on a case-by-case basis) to count towards Wellington Plus and the Wellington International Leadership Programme.

Read the Class Representative Policy and find out more information and how to apply on the VUWSA website.

The Class Representative programme is run by the Victoria University Students’ Association (VUWSA) and is funded by the Student Services Levy.

University Council member

One student is elected each year to sit on the University Council. All full-time students may apply to stand for the position (though all students enrolled on a personal course are eligible to vote). The student delegate on the University Council attends monthly council meetings (3–4 hours each), as well as being asked to sit on one of the Committees of the Council. They are also invited to key university events, and are expected to attend at least one graduation ceremony in May and December as part of the role. They are also expected to keep up with developments and changes in the sector, and read all council papers sent to them. Elections are governed by the Council Elections Statute. The call for nominations, advertised in Salient, happens the month before the elections take place, usually in September, but this can happen earlier.

Faculty delegate

Faculty Boards govern their faculty at the University and make decisions that directly affect students. Faculty delegates perform a vital role in ensuring that students have input in decision-making at a faculty level. The VUWSA Student Representation Co-ordinator appoints delegates for one academic year. Applications can be made to the VUWSA Student Representation Co-ordinator by email to studentvoice@vuwsa.org.nz at any time during the year. Being a delegate requires around four hours each month to attend meetings and consult with students. The positions are Wellington Plus approved.

Representative group executives

Executive members organise the operation of the Rep Group. This involves numerous activities including budget submissions, quarterly reports, planning and running events. Members are elected at the Rep Group’s AGM. The time commitment is dependent on the role you have in the Rep Group but can vary between 5 and 15 hours a week. These roles are Wellington Plus approved and WILP approved for international students (and domestic students on a case by case basis, please check with WILP staff).

Representative groups:

Student ambassador (for Open Day, school visits and information evenings)

Over the course of a year, the University holds recruitment and information events that require people-loving student ambassadors to speak, guide, host, and set up equipment. Time commitment varies. For example, the Open Day is a full day’s work, while Wellington Information Evening and a school visit require only a few hours work. These roles are Wellington Plus approved and WILP approved (for international students only).

Find more information and how to apply, email future-students@vuw.ac.nz.