WILP graduates
The Wellington International Leadership Programme (WILP) brings together students from around the University and around the world!
These featured students represent Niue, Tokelau, Timor-Leste, the Solomon Islands and Aotearoa New Zealand. They are from diverse backgrounds, different age groups and speak different native languages and have a range of international experience.
They may be connected to small or remote communities, and that’s one of the reasons their contribution is valued. WILP recognises that in order to approach global issues fairly and intelligently, we need voices from all over the globe.

Meet our WILP graduates
These students have a drive to advance their skills to become leaders, thinkers, and decision-makers in their communities.
Chelcia Gomese
Chelcia came to Victoria University of Wellington from the Solomon Islands with some leadership experience, but says WILP opened up a whole new perspective.
Higano Perez
Higano says his degree in International Relations and Development Studies gave him a better understanding of what is happening in the world and why.
Anderias Tani
Anderias was given the opportunity to meet New Zealand’s current Prime Minister when he attended a forum for young leaders as part of the WILP programme.
Sonny Togiatama
Sonny signed up for a number of clubs and groups in his first year at Victoria University of Wellington—WILP was one of the groups he saw through to the end.