Updating your name, gender, or pronouns

How to update your details in University systems, and how we can support you if you want to change your legal name or sex marker.

Update your details in University systems

Preferred name, gender, and pronouns

Use the Pūaha student portal to update the preferred name, gender, and pronouns that the University holds for you in its systems.

Go to the 'My Profile' section (from the top right-hand icon), and select the 'Personal details' tab. The 'Edit personal details' link (bottom right-hand corner) will pop up a window. Remember to use the 'Update' button to save your changes.

Student ID cards

You can request a replacement student ID card that shows your new preferred or legal name or to update your photo for gender-affirming reasons. If you are requesting to change your student email and display name, you can also request a new ID card in the same email. Otherwise, email student-cards@vuw.ac.nz, stating your student ID number and new name as you would like it to appear on the card.

Graduation, certificates, and academic transcripts

Your qualification certificate and academic transcript will be issued in your full legal name because they are legal documents.

Your preferred first name and legal last name will be read out at your graduation ceremony. If you have not set a preferred name in Pūaha, your legal name will be used instead—make sure this is correct before applying for graduation.

If you legally change your name after graduation, you can pay to get a replacement copy of your certificate. If you’d like to legally update your name in time for graduation, we recommend starting the process six months in advance.

If you have concerns, email graduation@vuw.ac.nz—ideally several weeks before your ceremony.

Changing your legal name or sex marker

About the process

We recommend that the first thing you do is update your preferred name in University systems, as described above, because it can take some time for a name change to be processed.

Changing your legal name or sex marker involves completing a form, providing supporting evidence, and paying a fee. What you can change depends on your residence status and where you were born:

If you were born in New Zealand, have become a New Zealand citizen, or are entitled to live here indefinitely, you can change your name by deed poll. You’ll find full eligibility criteria on the website of the Department of Internal Affairs.

Only people who were born in New Zealand can change the registered sex on their birth certificate.

Once your change has been processed and you’ve received your new birth certificate or name change certificate in the mail, then you’ll need to get new ID and inform places of the change.

How we can support you

If you’d like advice or guidance with legally updating your name or sex marker, you can book an appointment with our Rainbow and Inclusion Adviser. They can help you with completing forms, gathering supporting documents, and applying for financial support.

If cost is a barrier for you, Pūtea Āwhina—Hardship fund can help with ‘costs associated with sexuality and gender identity for LGBTQIA+ students’. These can include the cost of legally changing your name and/or sex marker, and supporting documentation.

After your name change

You can start informing places of your name change once you receive your new birth certificate or name change certificate in the mail. For most places, you will need to show your original new birth certificate or name change certificate, or send them a certified copy.

  • Inform the University—visit the Enrolment help desk on level one of the Hunter Building (HU103) or email enrolments@vuw.ac.nz a certified copy.
  • Apply for new IDs (e.g., driver’s license, KiwiAccess, passport).
  • Inform your bank and request new debit or credit cards.
  • Inform government agencies (e.g., IRD, StudyLink, MSD, Waka Kotahi).
  • Inform your utilities providers (e.g., power, internet, phone, insurance).
  • Inform your healthcare providers (e.g., GP clinic, pharmacy).
  • Inform any company you have a membership with (e.g., gym, the AA, Zealandia).