Rainbow room
Discover the rainbow room, and how to find it and the Kahukura office.

The rainbow room is a student lounge and community space dedicated to students who identify as rainbow or who are exploring their identity. The space is available for general use Monday to Friday from 8 am to 4 pm, except when it's booked.
The space is available for community events or hui, with a capacity of 16 people. Outside the room, you can find the booking schedule. To reserve the space, please email rainbow@vuw.ac.nz at least one week in advance.
For your safety, the room’s entrance is monitored by CCTV.
Finding the rainbow room and Kahukura office
You can find the rainbow room in SU209, next to the Kahukura office, SU201, on Level 2 of the Student Union Building, Kelburn Campus. Check out the video below for directions.