Financial survival
Make sure you control your money, so it doesn’t control you. Explore our financial resources and guides to managing your money.
The reality for many students is that there is never much money left over to have fun—often there’s barely enough to pay the bills and cover living expenses. The Student Loan Living Costs and Student Allowance will not cover all your weekly expenses, so it’s important to have a plan for how you will make up the shortfall. This could be through savings from a summer job, help from family, part-time work, or by reducing your expenses .
Government and community support
As well as the financial support that StudyLink provides, there is additional support available to help with your expenses while you’re studying.
Take control of your money with our budgeting advice.
Working while studying
Working while studying is necessary for most students, and can help you gain experience. Learn how to find a job.
Learn more about the support available for accommodation costs.
Financial resources
- work out a budget with a Student Finance Adviser and discuss your options for keeping on top of your finances
- read our financial survival guide, Managing Your Money (PDF)
- read our financial guide, Money Matters (PDF), for international students
- register with Blackbullion, an online financial learning platform. Access a range of money modules that will help you get on track with your budget, savings, and university finances
- use the halls of residence payment schedules to calculate your shortfall after financial assistance from StudyLink
- learn how to access the Hardship Fund, an emergency fund that helps students facing financial difficulties
- attend our financial wellbeing workshops and learn how to stay on top of your finances.