Student Services Fee
The Student Services Fee funds student services and activities not covered by tuition fees—find out how much you'll contribute and how to have your say.
The compulsory Student Services Fee (SSF) supports the delivery of some of our student services, student association activities (VUWSA), student representative groups, and other facilities that students use. The government determines what categories of student services the Student Services Fee can fund.
It ensures equitable access to services that support your studies and enhance your student experience. You’ll need to pay this fee, whether you’re studying full time or part time, and whether you’re a domestic or an international student.
On this page, you'll find key information on the fee:
What you'll pay in 2025
For 2025 enrolments, how much you'll pay is based on:
- the total point value of courses you're enrolled in (up to 150 points / 1.25EFTS), and
- whether you're studying from within the Wellington region ($9.94 per point) or elsewhere ($4.97 per point).
2025 studying in Wellington rate
If you're studying from within the Wellington region, either on-campus or online, your Student Services Fee rate is calculated at $9.94 per point.
- If you enrol in a single course that is worth 15 points (0.125EFTS), you'll pay $149.10.
- If you enrol in 120 points' (1EFTS) worth of courses—an average workload—you'll pay $1,192.80.
2025 studying away from Wellington rate
If you're studying from elsewhere within New Zealand or overseas, your Student Services Fee rate is calculated at $4.97 per point.
- If you enrol in a single course that is worth 15 points (0.125EFTS), you'll pay $74.55.
- If you enrol in 120 points' (1EFTS) worth of courses—an average workload—you'll pay $596.40.
Student Hardship Fee
In 2025, the Student Hardship Fee is $32 (GST included) for all students. This fee is used to assist students suffering exceptional financial hardship.
Withdrawals and refunds
If you withdraw from your course(s) before the deadline for course changes (typically within the first few weeks of the trimester), you will receive a refund for both your tuition and the Student Services Fee.
Your SSF refund will be calculated based on the points withdrawn.
Further details are outlined in the Student Services Fee Procedure (PDF). If you believe that your individual circumstances are not addressed in this document, contact
Student Services Fee funded services
The Student Services Fee that you pay helps cover the cost of providing a wide range of student services and facilities.
Learn more about the services funded by the Student Services Fee.
How we set the Student Services Fee rate
The Advisory Committee on the Student Services Fee (ACSSF) is an oversight body that provides strategic and financial oversight for the SSF. VUWSA, Ngāi Tauira, and University staff co-chair the Committee.
The SSF is adjusted each year in a process that takes into account inflation, the cost of delivering each service, and the needs of our students. The cost of service delivery and activity includes staffing, technology and operational expenses.
The Committee makes a recommendation to the Vice-Chancellor for the following year’s SSF rates following student consultation, then the University Council makes the final decision.
The University publishes the income raised by the SSF and expenditure for each category of student service in its annual report, as outlined in the Ministerial Direction.
Download the Student Services Levy Report (PDF) for more information.
Student input
Student representatives on the Committee—such as VUWSA and Ngāi Tauira executives—ensure the SSF is being allocated in students’ best interests. They do this through the Student Assembly and consultation with other student representative groups including the PGSA and the Pasifika Students’ Council.
The Student Assembly is a forum led by students for students, and includes a diverse range of student communities. The purpose of the Assembly is to make sure students get information and an opportunity to shape the rate of the SSF and how the money raised is spent.
Updated name
In 2024, the Student Services Fee was renamed from the Student Services Levy. Documents and statements from earlier years will refer to the Student Services Levy. The Student Hardship Fee was renamed from the Student Assistance Levy. The function of these fees remains the same. The change to the name was based on student feedback and to align with the language used by the Government around this fee.