Graduation parade
The street parades are a highlight of our graduation celebrations. If you’re attending a ceremony, we encourage you to take part.
Parade date and time
Tuesday 13 May 2025
- Faculty of Humanities and Social Science
- Faculty of Education
- Faculty of Architecture and Design Innovation
- Faculty of Health
Thursday 15 May 2025
- Faculty of Science
- Faculty of Engineering
- Wellington School of Business and Government/Faculty of Commerce
- Faculty of Law
Both graduation parades leave from the Law School, Government Buildings, Lambton Quay at 1 pm.
To take part in the parade, you need to be registered to attend a ceremony and to wear your academic dress.
The graduation parade begins at the Law School and follows Lambton Quay, turning onto Johnston Street before crossing Customhouse Quay and finishing at Queens Wharf.

Academic dress
You need to wear academic dress to take part in the parade. Academic dress can only be hired by those attending a ceremony. You can’t hire academic dress for the parade and then decide not to attend a ceremony—your hireage will be cancelled.
Assembly point
Arrive at 12.45 pm and assemble behind your faculty sign. You need to wear your academic dress.
Safety information
The parade is for graduates only. For legal and safety reasons, family and friends need to remain on the footpaths.
While the southbound lane of the parade route will be closed, the northbound lane will remain open for traffic. The bus lane on Lambton Quay will be open to buses while the parade assembles and processes.
Cancellation procedures
If the parade is cancelled, notices will be placed on the Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington Facebook page and on our website on the morning of the parade.
You can also call the University on 0800 04 04 04.
Cancellation will be for the parade only—all ceremonies and receptions will proceed.