Photos and livestream

Watch a graduation ceremony livestream, view photos and videos of past parades and ceremonies, and find out about photography at ceremonies.

Watch a livestream or video of the ceremony

We will livestream the graduation ceremonies for those of your friends and family who can’t come in person. The livestream will be on this page, and will be open approximately 15 minutes before the start of each ceremony.

You can find videos of past ceremonies on our previous graduation ceremonies page and on our graduation channel on YouTube.

Photography at parades and ceremonies

Graduation parades

The University’s Image Services team photographs graduates as they parade through Wellington city. A gallery of these images will be available online soon after the parade. Image downloads are free.

Michael Fowler Centre ceremonies

The official photographer for the Victoria University of Wellington graduation ceremonies is Woolf Photography. No other professional photographers are allowed within the Michael Fowler Centre (MFC).

Graduates are photographed as they are congratulated on stage and again after leaving the stage. Roving photographers will take photographs of graduates, family and friends before and after the ceremony.

Professional graduation portraits

You can have a professional studio-style portrait taken before or after your MFC ceremony. Woolf Photography will be set up in the foyer an hour and a half before each ceremony, but photography will finish 30 minutes before the ceremony starts. You don’t need to book.

The cost is from NZ$65, which you need to pay when the photograph is taken. Credit cards, EFTPOS, and cash are accepted. Print and digital packages are available.

Woolf Photography offer a Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington branded graduation frame that you can purchase with your portrait order.

Te Hui Whakapūmau

The University’s Image Services team will photograph the ceremony. Individual photographs will be taken during the ceremony and a group photograph of all graduates will be taken before the ceremony. After the formalities, you can have group and whānau photographs taken.

Whānau are welcome to video and take photographs during the ceremony. However, during the pōhiri and Karakia Whakapūmau—ritual of affirmation—we respectfully ask that whānau refrain from filming or taking photographs.


A range of memorabilia is available to commemorate your graduation, including graduation bears. You can buy a bear before and after the ceremonies at the Michael Fowler Centre, and you can also pre-order a bear.