Peer Assisted Study Support (PASS)

Join a student-led PASS group, available for many 100-level courses, to support your in-class learning, develop your study skills and meet new people.

PASS sign-ups

Join a student-led PASS group, available for many 100-level courses, to support your in-class learning, develop your study skills and meet new people.

Want to become a PASS leader? See information about the role at the bottom of this page.

PASS stands for 'Peer Assisted Study Support', a programme run by Student Learning to provide you with an opportunity to meet other students, develop study skills and engage in 'active learning' in 100-level courses.

PASS study groups are led by students who have successfully passed the course. You meet for one hour a week, working together in groups to consolidate understanding, reinforce key concepts, and develop effective study strategies.

Benefits of PASS

PASS groups help you gain extra skills and understanding—research proves that studying with others can improve your grades. Weekly study groups encourage 'active learning': working with others to discuss course material, practise problem solving, and develop study skills.

Talking about your subject can help you clarify your understanding in preparation for tutorials, assignments and exams. Your study group leader has successfully passed this course, but is not here to give you the answers. You learn best by helping and teaching each other.

Students who attend PASS regularly (5 or more sessions during the trimester) have a 95% chance of passing the course.

Participants say, 'you know what to expect from the course', 'you can go over stuff you didn't understand in the lecture', 'discussing with others helps material sink in', and 'you can brainstorm for assignments and exams'.

For further information, ask your lecturer, or email

Want to lead a PASS group?

PASS groups are led by students who have successfully  passed the course (B+ or better). Groups meet for one hour a week (in person and/or online) to consolidate understanding, reinforce key concepts and develop effective study strategies.

As a PASS leader you’ll get to meet new people and share your love of a subject, while reinforcing your own understanding and developing your leadership and communication skills. These positions are paid and contribute to the Wellington Plus programme. You can download the role description from the link below.