Sexually transmitted infections (STI)

Most STIs can be treated if they are detected early enough. Know what to look out for and how to prevent them.

Having sex without a condom puts you at risk of catching a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Many STIs do not have any symptoms, so it is possible to catch them, and pass them on to others, without even knowing. You can get a STI even if you have unprotected sex only once, with one person.

Most STIs can be treated and cured if detected early enough. However, if left undetected and untreated, STIs can affect your health and future fertility.

HIV PrEP consultations

PrEP stands for “pre-exposure prophylaxis” and is a medication that can be taken by HIV-negative people to prevent HIV infection. It is fully funded for people who are at higher risk of acquiring HIV, but those who are at lower risk can opt to pay for their prescriptions.

To find out more and to see if PrEP is right for you, have a look at the Burnett Foundation's page about PrEP.

HIV PrEP is available at Mauri Ora Student Health. If you would like to start PrEP, the first step is to book a “PrEP nurse appointment” so that we can get things started and explain what it entails. Being on PrEP means having STI checks (including a blood test) every 3 months. After the nurse appointment, you will be booked to see one of our GPs who prescribes PrEP.

PrEP does not protect against any other STIs so condoms are still a great idea.

Make an appointment with Mauri Ora