Raymond Dunn
Kia mauamahara tonu, kaore koe e ngaro, me pehea ki te maumahara.
Always remember, never to forget how to remember - Naa Papa Hohepa Delamare (Papa Joe)
I tipu ake au ki Ngatiwhatua o Oruawharo, i hoea mai i te waka Mahuhu ki Te Rangi, ka huri noa ake o te tangata Tumutumuwhenua.
I come from Ngati Whatua from Oruawharo, bought in by the waka Mahuhu ki te Rangi as a descendant of Tumuwhenua.
My journey before coming to Mauri Ora started a very long time ago. My grandparents were traditional maori midwives and my mum is a traditional practitioner with rongoa, haputanga and mirimiri. I was trained in Romiromi by followers of Papa Hohepa. I was able to use the knowledge of my reo, romiromi and haputanga to complete a Bachelor of Education teaching Kura Kaupapa Maori - however I went into bilingual education and some of our correction facilities.
I was encouraged to return home from Australia and at that time applying for Mauri Ora as a Health Navigator was divine timing - it was the only listing that popped out screaming "RAYMOND! RAMOND!". My position as a health navigator for Maori and Pasifika students is a role that comes with privilege, just like haputanga, romiromi and rongoa the educational pathway is a birthing process and I look forward to working with many of my co-workers and clients.
In my spare time - I enjoy a good calisthenics session. Since Melbourne had us in lockdown for quite some time I still resort to binge watching some TV shows and listening to some really great kiwi music.