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Mauri Ora has dedicated healthcare professionals and administrative staff. Learn more about us.
Meet our dedicated team of doctors at Mauri Ora.
Get to know our team of nurses at Mauri Ora and discover their specialist areas and interests.
Our Health Improvement Practitioners help students form solution-focused action plans and develop skills to empower self-management. Meet our team.
Our Health Navigators link our clinicians with the wider university community to provide a holistic approach to our students wellbeing. Meet our team.
Our Mauri Ora counsellors can provide support for any issues that are affecting your studies. Meet our team.
Meet our Mental Health Coordinators and find out a little bit about them.
Meet our accommodation wellbeing advisers and find out a little bit about them.
Find out who our managers, coordinators and other professional staff members are, and how to get in touch.
A Health Coach can give guidance to improve your quality of life. Meet Mauri Ora's Health Coach.
Meet our nurse practitioners and find out a little bit about them.