Accommodation wellbeing advisers

Get confidential help to support your health and wellbeing while you're staying in University accommodation.

If you're living in a University hall of residence, you can call on the professional and confidential assistance of our accommodation wellbeing advisers (AWA). Our accommodation wellbeing advisers are registered health practitioners. They have experience in helping students manage the demands of studying and living away from home.

Help in University halls

Get help with counselling support for:

  • issues affecting your studies
  • your wellbeing
  • the sexual harm complaints process
  • problems with your university experience.

This service is available from Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 5 pm. We don't judge, harass, or discriminate.

Urgent help

If you are a student needing an urgent appointment, reach out to Mauri Ora Student Health and Counselling’s support team. To make a same day appointment with a counsellor call +64 4 463 5308.

Safety concerns

If you are concerned for your safety, phone Te Haika on 0800 745 477, or visit your local hospital emergency department.

Meet the team

Janell Vaughn profile-picture photograph

Janell Vaughn

Team Lead - Counselling, Student Accommodation Student Counselling, Student Services

Ben Bachle profile-picture photograph

Ben Bachle

Accommodation Wellbeing Adviser Student Counselling, Student Services

Guy Powell profile-picture photograph

Guy Powell

Accommodation Wellbeing Adviser Student Counselling, Student Services

Emily Burden profile-picture photograph

Emily Burden

Accommodation Wellbeing Adviser Student Counselling, Student Services

Vanessa Summers profile-picture photograph

Vanessa Summers

Accommodation Wellbeing Adviser Student Counselling, Student Services

Elza van Boxel profile-picture photograph

Elza van Boxel

Accommodation Wellbeing Adviser Student Counselling, Student Services

Your privacy

The student support coordinators abide by the Mauri Ora privacy and confidentiality agreement. Make sure you read this, as it tells you what you need to know about how we record, store, and dispose of your session notes.

We take your confidentiality seriously. If we have concerns about your risk to yourself or someone else, we have a duty of care to inform your head of hall and may need to refer you for further assessment by the Crisis Resolution Service at Wellington Hospital.