Student support

If you need support, the University offers a range of student services that can help.

Student support services

Victoria University of Wellington offers a range of support services available to students. Some of these include:

Visit the Student Services and Support website for a comprehensive list of services offered by the University.

The Faculty of Graduate Research (FGR) website offers resources for Master's students and PhD students. Additionally, explore our Student Communities page to discover support networks and ways to connect with peers from diverse backgrounds.

Support for Māori and Pasifika students

The Stout Research Centre for New Zealand Studies is committed to fulfilling our obligations under the Treaty of Waitangi. There is a range of services in place to support Māori and Pasifika students.

Support for students with disabilities

The Centre is committed to ensuring all students have equal opportunities to resources and a successful academic journey while studying at Victoria University of Wellington. A range of support services is available to students with disabilities.