Claire Hall
Family Memory scholarship recipient Claire Hall is researching intergenerational family memory within the archival collections of Taranaki whānui.
MA, New Zealand Studies
Ngā raranga i makere // Stitches dropped in time
Family Memory scholarship recipient Claire Hall researched intergenerational family memory within the archival collections of Taranaki whānui. Ngā raranga i makere // Stitches dropped in time is an oral history study of inherited family objects: photographs, journals, albums, manuscripts, oral history, and taonga tuturu. Claire’s research examined whānau archives within the frame of tukuihotanga - tangible and intangible fragments of family history retained and handed down, with the potential to connect past and present. Her research explored means and modes of inheritance; obligations and aspirations for intergenerational succession. Prior to her research with the Stout Centre, Claire recorded and published widely on military and social history, and curated exhibitions. Her teaching and professional practice posits digital archiving and oral history as pivotal to the flax-roots revitalisation of te reo and tikanga. Of Scottish and Irish descent, Claire grew up in Waitakere, Tāmaki Makaurau. Ko Taranaki te kāinga inaianei.