Georgie - Vernon Training consultant
Georgie chose the Museum and Heritage Studies programme at Victoria University of Wellington because of its practical focus. It led to many great placements.
Documentation and Training Consultant, Vernon Systems

"I chose the Museum and Heritage Studies programme at Victoria University of Wellington largely due to its practical focus. After having completed my Bachelor of Arts in Art History I wanted to develop skills beyond just research and writing. As someone from outside the industry the broad scope and wide range of experiences available gave me a really good insight into all the different aspects of the 'GLAM' sector, the jobs available and what they involve. Being based in Wellington, the cultural capital, was also really cool and I made lots of awesome friends.
I really enjoyed the course and had some great placements at the Manatū Taonga Ministry for Culture and Heritage, Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga and Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa. I met many incredibly smart and inspiring professionals, which really made me want to be one of them. While I may not have ended up exactly where I thought I would when I started the programme, I have certainly had some pretty special and unique experiences. After my placement finished with NZHPT I picked up some paid work, firstly in Wellington and then at Thames School of Mines and Alberton in Auckland. I was then appointed to the position of Registrar at the National Army Museum Te Mata Toa, in Waiouru, where I learned valuable skills in museum registration methods."
Georgie is currently a Documentation and Training Consultant for Vernon Systems.
Georgie has had her article 'Going social' a case study of the use of social media technologies at Te Papa, published online in the publication reCollections by the national museum australia.