Journal of NZ Studies back issues
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The Journal of New Zealand Studies supersedes New Zealand Studies, which was published from 1995 until 1999 and the Stout Centre Review (1990-1995).
Hard copy back issues of The Journal of New Zealand Studies and select back issues of New Zealand Studies are available for purchase for NZ$10.00 each. Email:
Back issues of the Stout Centre Review:
All back issues, from 1990 onwards, are available online.
Journals 2002-2010
- Journal of New Zealand Studies NS 9, 2010
- Journal of New Zealand Studies NS 8, 2009
- Journal of New Zealand Studies NS 6-7, 2007-2008
- Journal of New Zealand Studies NS 4-5, 2005-2006
- Journal of New Zealand Studies NS 2-3, 2003-2004
- Journal of New Zealand Studies NS 1, 2002
Journal of New Zealand Studies NS 9, 2010
Special Issue: 'Antipodes' New Directions in History and Culture Aotearoa NZ, Selected papers from the Stout Centre's 25th Anniversary Conference, 2009

- Tony Ballantyne ~ Culture and Colonization: Revisiting the Place of Writing in Colonial New Zealand
- Richard Boast ~ New Zealand Legal History and New Zealand Historians: A Non-meeting of Minds
- Barbara Brookes ~ Shame and its Histories in the Twentieth Century
- Mike Grimshaw ~ Bishops, Boozers, Brethren and Burkas: Towards a Cartoon History of Religion in New Zealand
- Angela McCarthy ~ Future Directions for the Study of Migration and Ethnicity in New Zealand: Comparative, Transnational, and Multidisciplinary Approaches to Records of Insanity
- Erin Mercer ~ As Real as the Spice Girls: Representing Identity in Twenty-first Century New Zealand Literature
- Ewan Morris ~ Banner Headlines: The Māori Flag Debate in Comparative Perspective
- Lachy Paterson ~ Hāwhekaihe: Māori Voices on the Position of "Half-castes" within Māori Society
- New Review Section: Featuring Jock Phillips on the The New Oxford History of New Zealand
Journal of New Zealand Studies NS 8, 2009
- Melanie Nolan 'The View from Over the Hill': Developing a Balanced View of Blackball '08 from a Wider Range of Perspectives
- Mark Derby Ossian in Aotearoa – ‘Ponga and Puhihuia’ and the Re-Creation of Myth
- Vincent O’Malley A Living Thing’: The Whakakotahitanga Flagstaff and its Place in New Zealand History
- Elizabeth McLeay 'A Wonderful Lot of Chaps': Observations on New Zealand Army Culture in War Letters from Rod to Molly McLeay, 1940–1942
- Russell Campbell System Overload: Neil Roberts, Punk Anarchism and The Maintenance of Silence
- Michael Roche 'The Best Crop the Land Will Ever Grow': W. F. Massey Through the Lens of Environmental History
- Geoffrey T. Vincent and Greg Ryan 'A Small Knot of Muscular Friends': Class and Athletic Clubs in Colonial Canterbury, 1870–1890
- Sonya Hamel 'If I’m Like Them, They Will Accept Me More': How New Zealand Immigrants Negotiate and Perform Gendered Social Identities
- Joan Druett The Salem Connection: American Contacts with Early Colonial New Zealand
- Emina Petrović Shifting the Views of Architectural History: A Review Essay
Journal of New Zealand Studies NS 6-7, October 2007-2008

- Brigitte Bönisch-Brednich Watching the Kiwis: New Zealanders’ Rules of Social Interaction - an Introduction
- Anna Gruner Decks and Other Distinctions: Aesthetics and Class in the Garden
- Amanda Gilbertson Being New Zealanders Now: Intricacies of Identity in a Multicultural New Zealand
- Eveline Dürr Reinforcing Cultural Hegemony: Pākehā Perceptions of Brand New Zealand
- Peter Howland Martinborough’s Wine Tourists and the Metro-Rural Idyll
- Graeme Whimp The Great Hip Hop Grant Scandal
- Mike Lloyd Revenge of the N[Z]erds? Flight of the Conchords as Good Humour
- Aroha Harris Concurrent Narratives of Māori and Integration in the 1950s and 60s
- Angela Blachnitzky Outside Culture
Journal of New Zealand Studies NS 4-5, October 2005 - October 2006
- Lydia Wevers, Being Pakeha: The Politics of Location
- James Bennett, Fifty Years of Parker and Hulme: A Survey of Some Major Textual Representations and Their Ideological Significance
- Doug Munro, J.W. Davidson and W.K. Hancock: Patronage, Preferment, Privilege
- Peter Hempenstall, Tasman Epiphanies: The ‘Participant History’ of Alan Ward
- Mark Williams, Leaving the Straight Path: Cultural Time Travel in the Seventies
- Hal Levine and Michelle Gezentsvey, The Wellington Cemetery Desecrations of 2004: Their Impact on Local Jews
- James Smithies ‘The History of Technology and the History of New Zealand’
- Rachel Locker McKee, The Eyes Have It! Our Third Official Language: New Zealand Sign Language
- Helene Pristed Nielsen, Education, Democracy and Minority Inclusion
Journal of New Zealand Studies NS 2-3, October 2003 - 2004
- Graham Barwell, Percy Grainger and the Early Collecting of Polynesian Music
- Doug Munro, Becoming an Expatriate: J.W.Davidson and the Brain Drain
- Jan Cronin, The Theoretical Terrain of the Text: Reading Frame through The Edge of the Alphabet
- Miles Fairburn, What Best Explains the Discrimination Against the Chinese in New Zealand, 1860s-1950s?
- Kevin Molloy, Literature in the Irish Diaspora: The New Zealand Case, 1873-1918
- Joan Druett, Of Ships and Seals and Savage Coasts: Samuel Rodman Chace in the Southern Ocean, 1798-1821
- Geoffrey T. Vincent, The Great Aquatic Events of the Plains: Regattas and Rowing in Canterburuy, 1850-1890
- Christopher Van Der Krogt, 'Typical of the New Zealand Occupational Distribution'?: A Reconsideration of Catholic Interwar Employment Patterns
- Brad Patterson, Celtic Roots Amidst the Fern: Irish-Scottish Studies in New Zealand
Journal of New Zealand Studies NS 1, October 2002
- Harry A Kersey Jr, Opening a Discourse on Race Relations in New Zealand: ‘The Fern and the Tiki’ Revisited
- Brad Patterson, ‘That Glorious Stinking Stuff…’: Whale Fishing and the Economic Development of Early Wellington
- Richard Hindmarsh & Tee Rogers Hayden, Modernity Contextualises New Zealand's Royal Commission on Genetic Modification: A Discourse Analysis
- Stephanie de Montalk, Super Bug, Rumour and Truth: On Writing a Memoir/Biography of Count Geoffrey Potocki de Montalk
- Allan Thomas, A Microphone to the People: The Recordings of the Mobile Unit of the New Zealand Broadcasting Service, 1946-1948
- Danny Keenan, The ‘New Zealand Wars’ or’ Land Wars’?: The Case of the War in Taranaki, 1860-1861
- Andrew Leach, Public Service: Social Factors in the Architecture of F H Newman
- Alison Laurie, Heavenly Images