Journal of New Zealand Studies

The Journal of New Zealand Studies is a multidisciplinary journal published by The Stout Research Centre.


The Journal of New Zealand Studies is a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal published by the Stout Research Centre for New Zealand Studies. From 2014 onwards the JNZS will be published online twice a year, in June and December.

Prospective articles are welcome from any discipline. They should have a New Zealand focus, or be comparative with a strong New Zealand element. All submissions go through a process of anonymous peer review.

For full information about the editors and Journal Advisory Board, please visit: Online Journal of New Zealand Studies.

Call for Submissions

From 2014 onwards the interdisciplinary Journal of New Zealand Studies has been published online twice a year, in June and December.

Forthcoming issues:

The December 2024 is a special issue (NZ Art History) produced by Otago University.  The next general issue will be June 2025.

Note: the process of peer review and revision can be protracted and the editor cannot guarantee publication of an accepted article in a specific issue of the journal.

To register and submit to the Journal please visit: Online Journal of New Zealand Studies.

Please download and READ the Style GuideStyle Guide

If you have any queries please contact

Copyright notice

Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:

The Journal of New Zealand Studies retains the copyright of material published in the journal, but permission to reproduce articles free of charge on other open access sites will not normally be withheld. Any such reproduction must be accompanied by an acknowledgement of initial publication in the Journal of New Zealand Studies.

Back issues

Back issues of the Journal are available online as well as hard copy issues up to 2011 (see rates below). Issue NS13 (2012) was the first issue to be produced online and not in print. The Journal of New Zealand Studies supersedes New Zealand Studies, which was published from 1990 until 1999.The first issue of Journal of New Zealand Studies new series (NS1) was published in 2002. View contents pages and purchase details for the JNZS back issues.  To view all current and back issues online please go to: Issues


There is no charge for the online Journal. Back copies of hard copy issues may be purchased at a cost of $10.00 each (includes GST). Overseas orders will have postal cost added. Orders should be sent to: