Theory of Constraints: A Research Database

The Theory of Constraints resource supports collaboration with researchers and practitioners via a downloadable database of current and historical material.

About the Theory of Constraints database

A database of TOC articles, books and conference papers was started back in 1996, with our first bibliography published in 2000.

We have searched the literature and updated our records and have so far assembled over 4000 articles, books, and conference papers, on all areas of TOC. The database here contains journal articles and conference papers, to complement the listing of TOC books compiled by Prof Jim Cox, which is available on the TOCICO website.

This evolving database will be published via spreadsheets that build on the great work done to date, and available as a downloadable resource for researchers and practitioners alike.

For each paper, we provide a link to the source. Some of the entries contain links to the actual articles, but copyright law prevents us from providing copies of every paper.

A presentation "Expanding the world of TOC" based on the articles available by mid 2016 was made to TOCICO Annual Conference in September 2016 (note – not all papers from 2015 were included as it takes a while for the academic databases to pick up new papers).

Please email us if you:

  • have contributions for the next update
  • know of other papers to add
  • have a particular paper you need help to access
  • want to add or make any changes to an entry
  • want to discuss the possibility of collaborative research or give some feedback
  • would like to be kept informed of any major updates or additions to the database

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