Warren Fitzgerald

A systems science analysis of waste management in New Zealand

A profile image of PhD student in Management, Warren Fitzgerald.
Warren Fitzgerald, PhD student in Management

Email: warren.fitzgerald@vuw.ac.nz

Office: RH 109, Level 1, Rutherford House, Pipitea campus, Wellington 6011



Warren took a break after his studies and followed an opportunity to work in tourism throughout Europe and New Zealand. Eight years later he found himself back at Otago University as an Assistant Research Fellow looking into energy use in food systems. A combination of his previous studies in the physical sciences and new concepts introduced by various colleagues has lead him to a PhD investigating various aspects of how waste is created in society.


BSc (Energy Studies), University of Otago
PGDipSci (Energy Studies), University of Otago

Research interests

Energy, Environment, Systems Thinking.


Fitzgerald, W. (2019). Dunedin Energy Study 2017-2018 (Dunedin Energy Study No. 3). University of Otago. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/10523/9181

Fitzgerald, W. 2018. Dunedin Energy Study 2016/2017 (Dunedin Energy Study No. 2). University of Otago. Retrieved from Otago

Fitzgerald, W., Norton, S., Stephenson, J. 2016. Future-proofing New Zealand’s Agricultural Food System: Energy-related risks and opportunities, Centre for Sustainability, University of Otago

Fitzgerald, W. B., Howitt, O. J. A., Smith, I. J., Hume, A. J.  2011. Energy use of integral refrigerated containers in maritime transportation, Energy Policy, 39(4):1885-1896, doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2010.12.015

Fitzgerald, W. B., Howitt, O. J. A., Smith, I. J.  2011. Greenhouse gas emissions from the international maritime transport of New Zealand’s imports and exports, Energy Policy, 39(3):1521-1531, doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2010.12.026

Fitzgerald, W. B., Fahmy, M., Smith, I. J., Carruthers, M. A., Carson, B. R., Sun, Z., and Bassett, M. R.  2011.  An assessment of roof space solar gains in a temperate maritime climate, Energy and Buildings, 43(7):1580-1588, doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2011.03.001.