Richard Hamblin

Leadership, organisational stability and performance in the New Zealand public sector

Richard Hamblin, PhD student in Mnagement
Richard Hamblin, PhD student in Management


Office: Room RH109, Level 1, Rutherford House, Pipitea campus, Wellington 6011

Supervisors: Professor Karin LasthuizenDr Geoff Plimmer


Richard has worked for 20 years in senior roles in national health quality agencies in the UK and Aotearoa New Zealand, using data to improve services. He has previously held a Harkness Fellowship in Health Care Policy (2006/07) and a Leadership Development Centre Fellowship (2018).  He is interested in why some organisations do better than others, and how leadership, organisational, policy and cultural contexts affect this.


BA Hons (University College London)

Research interests

Leadership, performance regimes, public sector reform


Bevan G and Hamblin R (2009) Hitting and missing targets by ambulance service for emergency calls: effects of different systems off performance measurement within the UK Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A Statistics in Society, 172 (1) 161-190

Hamblin R (2008) Regulation, measurements and incentives. The experience in the US and UK: does context matter? Journal of the Royal Society of Health 128 (6) 291-298