Kala S Retna

A profile image of Kala Retna, with a blurry city photo in the background.


Dr Kala S Retna is currently an Adjunct Teaching Fellow with the School of Management.  She has a background in management and education.  Her research has canvassed the cultural dynamics that confront organisation and learning, and she has generated extensive publications on these topics. Kala taught organisational behaviour at various levels including undergraduates and post experience until 2023.  She also has extensive experience in professional development, facilitation and teaching in diverse cultural backgrounds.  Her academic experience was enhanced by her earlier career in Singapore as a management practitioner and trainer.


  • PhD Victoria University of Wellington
  • MEd University of Sheffield
  • Associate Diploma in Teaching of English Sheffield City Polytechnic
  • Associate Diploma in TESOL Trinity College
  • Graduate Diploma in Marketing Institute of Singapore


  • Victoria University of Wellington, Excel Intercultural Skills Programme: Train the Trainers-Accredited Excel Trainer
  • Australia MBTI Board, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Accredited Trainer

Teaching Award

Victoria Teaching Excellence Award -2014

Publications: Peer-Reviewed Journals articles, Book chapters & conference proceedings

Retna, K. S. (2023). Becoming a learning organisation - learning to change, change for learning: an IT case study. International Journal of Learning and Change, 15(6), 567-583. doi:10.1504/IJLC.2023.134541

Retna, K. (2022). Tackling complexity through a systematic approach towards teacher education, ERAS-APERA Conference 2018, 12-14 Nov.

Retna, K. (2022). Local Implementation: Design Thinking in a Singapore School,. In Design Thinking
Research, Innovation, and Implementation

Retna, K. S. (2022). Becoming a learning organisation - learning to change, change for learning: an IT case study. International Journal of Learning and Change, 1(1), 1. doi:10.1504/ijlc.2022.10047161

Retna, K. (2021). Mindfulness-based programme: Understanding the experience of Singapore employees.

Retna, K., & Davies, J. (2019). A systems perspective on exploring the sustainability of leadership initiatives in a secondary school setting. Journal of Educational Leadership Policy and Practice, 34(2), 1-24. Retrieved from https://www.exeley.com/

Retna, K. (2018). An innovative approach to educating accountancy students.

Retna, K., & Davies, J. (2018). A systems perspective on exploring the sustainability of leadership initiatives in a secondary school setting. In New Zealand Education Administration and Leadership Society Reconceptualising Leadership Conference - NZEALS 2018. Auckland, New Zealand: New Zealand Education Administration and Leadership Society. Retrieved from https://nzeals.org.nz/Conference2018-breakouts.htm#breakout5

Davies, J., & Retna, K. (2018). Alternative perspectives on the leadership and management of change in educational settings. In International Congress on School Effectiveness and Improvement – ICSEI 2018. Singapore.

Retna, K., & Davies, J. (2018). Consulting, Culture and the use of mental models: the case of Singapore through and Academic and Practitioner Perspective. In P. A. Philips, K. V. Subramaniam, & V. Newman (Eds.), Management Consultancy through an Academic and Practitioner Perspective (pp. 143). Chennai, India: Notion Press.

Retna, K., Smith, A., & Davies, J. (2017). Gender and Workaholism in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Human Resource Management, 17(1), 36-53. Retrieved from https://hrnz.org.nz/fileadmin/user_upload/NZJHRM/A3_Workaholism.pdf

Retna, K. S. (2016). Consultants and their views on changing the mental models of clients. Journal of Change Management, 16(3), 184-200. doi:10.1080/14697017.2015.1121161

Retna, K. S., & Ng, P. T. (2016). The application of learning organization to enhance learning in Singapore schools. Management in Education, 30(1), 10-18. doi:10.1177/0892020615619665

Retna, K. (2016). Harvard Style: Can Gardner’s Five Minds Help Create a new Pedagogy?. In R. H. Tiwari, & L. Nafees (Eds.), Innovative Management Education Pedagogies for Preparing Next-Generation Leaders (pp. 1-21). IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-9691-4

Retna, K., & Ng, P. T.. (2016). Singapore's Principals' understanding and perceptions of "Teach Less Learn More' policy.. International Journal of Educational Reform, 25(4), 426-442.

Retna, K. S. (2015). Different approaches to the professional development of principals: A comparative study of New Zealand and Singapore. School Leadership and Management, 35(5), 524-543. doi:10.1080/13632434.2015.1107038

Beal, T., Lindsay, V., & Retna, K.S. (2015). Business engagement with the challenge of multiculuralism. In Asians and the New Multiculturalism in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Retna, K. (2015). Stress and Coping strategies: Participants' Experiences with the 'Art of Living' in Singapore. South Asian Journal of Management, 22(3), 48-68.

Beal, T., & Retna, K. (2015). Twin Peaks: India and China on New Zealand's Asian horizon. Foreign Policy Research Centre Journal, 38-72.

Retna, K. (2015). Thinking about "design thinking": a study of teacher experiences. Asia Pacific Journal of Education,, 36(Sup1), 5-19. doi:10.1080/02188791.2015.1005049

Retna, K. S. (2015). Insights from the use of Gardner’s notions of Mindset: group work. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 39(2), 180-204. doi:10.1080/0309877X.2013.817003

Retna, K. (2014, December 1). Panel Member for the New Zealand Communications Association 26th Conference, Wellington, New Zealand. In New Zealand Communications Association 26th Conference -The People in Communication-Cross cultural communication.

Retna, K. S., & Jones, D. (2013). The "learning organisation" and Singapore culture. Learning Organization, 20(4-5), 338-351. doi:10.1108/TLO-06-2011-0036

Retna, K. (2013). The Learning Organisation: A school's journey towards critical and creative thinking. In Educational Reform and Innovation in the Asia-Pacific: Advances in Research.

Retna, K. (2013). Insights from the use of Gardner's notions of Mindset: group work. Journal of Further and Higher Education. doi:10.1080/0309877X.2013.817003

Retna, K., & Cavana, R. (2013). Undergraduate management students' perceptions of feedback in a New Zealand university. Journal of Management & Organization, 19(2), 224-237. doi:10.1017/jmo.2013.9

Retna, K., & Jones, D. (2013). The "learning organisation" and Singapore culture. The Learning Organization, 20(4/5), 338-351. doi:10.1108/TLO-06-2011-0036

Retna, K. (2013). Teacher Motivation: Junior College Tamil Teachers. An International Journal of Tamil Studies, 5(1), 1-4.

Cavana, R., Ahimbisibwe, A., & Retna, K. (2013). Comparing Simplified Regression Analysis and Structural Equation Modelling of Undergraduate Management Students' Perceptions of Feedback. In Proceedings of the Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Conference. Hobart, Australia: University of Tasmania.

Cavana, R., Retna, K., & Ahimbisibwe, A. (2012). Structural Equation Modelling of Undergraduate Management Students' Perceptions of Feedback in a New Zealand University. In Proceedings of the 46th Conference of the Operational Research Society of New Zealand (ORSNZ) (pp. 67-76). Wellington: Victoria University of Wellington.

Retna, K. S. (2011). Communities of practice: Dynamics and success factors. Human Resource Management International Digest, 19(4), 257-263. doi:10.1108/hrmid.2011.04419daa.008

Retna, K. (2011). Understanding mindset as a precursor to learning: group work in management education. In Proceedings of the 25th Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference. Wellington, New Zealand: Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management.

Retna, K., & Ng, P. (2011). Communities of practice: dynamics and success factors. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 32(1), 41-59. doi:10.1108/01437731111099274

Retna, K. (2011). The relevance of 'personal mastery' to leadership: the case of school principals in Singapore. School Leadership & Management, 31(5), 451-470. doi:10.1080/13632434.2011.587403

Retna, K., & Varatharaju, U. (2010). Effectiveness of quality work life balance programmes: employees' perceptions. International Journal of Quality and Innovation, 1(2), 97-111. doi:10.1504/IJQI.2010.034641

Sanga, J., & Retna, K. (2010). An exploratory case study: cultural effects of knowledge management practices in the Solomon Islands. The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, 10(1), 403-416.

Retna, K., & Cavana, R. (2010). An exploratory analysis of undergraduate management students' perceptions of feedback in a New Zealand University. In Proceedings of the 24th Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) conference. Adelaide: University of South Australia.

Sanga, J., & Retna, K. (2010). An exploratory case study: cultural effects of Knowledge Management Practices in the Solomon Islands. In Knowledge, culture and change in Organizations 10th International Conference (pp. 18). Montreal Canada.

Retna, K., Cavana, R., & Chong, E. (2009). Tutors and tutorials: students' perceptions in a New Zealand university. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 31(3), 251-260. doi:10.1080/13600800902974336

Retna, K., & Ng, P. (2009). The need for transformational leadership in Singapore's school-based reform. Journal of School Leadership, 19(1), 33-48. doi:10.1177/105268460901900103

Retna, K., & Cavana, R. (2009). Preliminary analysis of students' perceptions of feedback in a New Zealand university. In Quality of Teaching in Higher Education. Istanbul, Turkey: OECD.

Retna, K., & Jeyavelu, S. (2009). School leadership: a comparative study of Singapore and India. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Leadership. Bangalore, India: IIMB.

Retna, K., & Ng, P. (2008). Transformational Leadership: The Case of a Singapore School. In Asia Pacific Educational Research Association Conference (pp. 190). Singapore.

Retna, K., & Ng, P. (2008). The perception of staff on the effects of transformational leadership in a Singapore school. Journal of Educational Leadership, Policy and Practice, 23(1), 64-77.

Retna, K. (2007). Knowledge management, learning and national culture. International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, 7(2), 29-38.

Retna, K. (2007). Knowledge management, learning and national culture: Insights from organisations in Singapore. The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture & Change Management, 7(2), 29-37. Retrieved from http://www.management-journal.com/

Retna, K., & Bryson, J. (2007). Asian organisations meet North American management theory: The case of Singapore and Senge. In D. Pauleen (Ed.), Cross-cultural perspectives on knowledge management (pp. 175-194). Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited.

Retna, K. (2007). The learning organisation: a school's journey towards critical and creative thinking. Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 16(2), 127-142.

Retna, K., & Ng, P. (2006). The challenges of adopting the learning organisation philosophy in a Singapore school. International Journal of Educational Management, 20(2), 140-152.

Retna, K. (2006). The learning organisation: a comparative study of Singapore organisations. The International Journal of Learning, 13(1), 95-102.

Retna, K. (2006). The learning organisation: a school's journey towards critical and creative thinking. In The Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association Conference.

Retna, K. (2005). Universities as Learning Organisations. Research and Development in Higher Education, Vol 28.

Sutherland, K., & Retna, K. (2005). VUW tutors: the big picture. findings from a research project on the status, support and satisfaction. In Victoria University of Wellington tutors' conference. Wellington, New Zealand.

Retna, K. (2005). Universities as learning organisation: putting tutors in the big picture. In Research and development in higher education Vol. 28 (pp. 422-429).

Retna, K., & Bryson, J. (2005). Culture's Consequences: implementing Western ideas in an Asian organisation. Wellington: Victoria Management School.

Jones, D., & Retna, K. (2005). One size does not fit all: the learning organization comes to Singapore. Wellington: Victoria Management School, VUW.

Retna, K. (2005). National culture and Senge's Learning Organisation. (PhD Thesis).

Retna, K. (2004). Tutoring international students. In Tertiary education research in New Zealand conference. Wellington.

Retna, K., & Jones, D. (2003). Learning Organisation meets Singapore Culture. In Organizational Learning and Knowledge 5th International Conference (pp. 1-11). Lancaster.

Retna, K. (2001). The fifth discipline in a highly disciplined Singapore: Learning organisation and national culture. In Australia New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Conference. Auckland.

Retna, K. (2002). The Fifth Discipline in a highly Disciplined Singapore: Innovative Learning Organisations and National Culture. Innovative Enterprise, 4(1-3), 215-226.

Retna, K. (2002). Challenging Singapore Culture: Turning Singapore School into a Learning Organisation. In ERAS (Educational Research Association of Singapore) Conference. Singapore.

Retna, K. (2001). East meets West: American management concepts and Singapore culture for New Zealand Asia (NZASIA). In 14th International Conference. 14th International Conference.

Retna, K. (2016, December 1). The People in Communication –Cross cultural communication. In Keynote speaker for the New Zealand Communication Association 26th Conference –.

Retna, K. (2013, December 4). Change Management: Consultants and mental models of clients. In Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM). University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia.

Retna, K. (2014, April 29). Leading by design: Design thinking in schools. In New Zealand Educational and Administration Leadership Symposium. Wellington, New Zealand.

Retna, K. (2016, July 7). The case of design thinking and leadership development in Singapore. In Proceedings of 32nd EGOS Colloquium. Naples, Italy.

Retna, K. (n.d.). The case of design thinking and leadership development in Singapore.

Retna, K., & Ng, P. T. (n.d.). The application of learning organisation to enhance learning in Singapore schools. Management in Education.

Retna, K., & Lakshimi, S. (2013, June 3). Students' motivational factors for taking higher Tamil literature. In Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference. Thinking: Time for a Rethink?. Singapore.

Cavana, R. Y., Wood, L., Ahimbisibwe, A., & Retna, K. (2017, September 5). Revisiting a Mixed Methods Analysis of Undergraduate Management Students’ Perceptions of Feedback: A Structural Equation Modelling Perspective. In 31st Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management (BAM). University of Warwick, UK: British Academy of Management (BAM). Retrieved from http://www.bam.ac.uk/

Retna, K., & Smith, A. (2015, December 2). Exploring Gender and Workaholism in New Zealand. In Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Conference (Queenstown, New Zealand, University of Otago).. Queenstown, New Zealand.

Retna, K. (2013, June 3). Design Thinking: Teachers perspectives'. In Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference. Thinking: Time for a Rethink? National Institute of Education (NIE), Singapore.