
Learn about the School of Management’s heritage, location, programmes, staff and students.

Our vision

The School of Management will be recognised as New Zealand's premier centre for creative management scholarship.

Heritage and location

School of Management is part of Victoria University of Wellington, a state-funded university based in Wellington, the capital city of New Zealand.

It is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in New Zealand, renowned for its teaching and research, and has established an international reputation for the high quality of its graduates and research, and has a proud tradition of academic excellence.

Our School is an active contributor to this vibrant university community.

Located downtown at Rutherford House and surrounded by the Parliament Buildings, corporate headquarters, government offices, restaurants, shopping, major sporting and entertainment venues, and Wellington's railway station, the School of Management is perfectly situated to establish and maintain strong linkages with its broad range of stakeholder groups.

These linkages are fostered throughout our degree, diploma and certificate programmes, our diverse and significant profile of research initiatives, as well as our seminars, conferences and consulting activities.

Breadth of programmes and knowledge

School of Management includes the disciplines of

The School offers courses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels across these areas, along with a variety of professional Master's programmes.

Our papers are also popular with students in other areas of the University including the Arts, Humanities, and Sciences.