New Zealand Governance and Policy
Access the New Zealand Governance and Policy collection’s wide range of policy research resources.

The School of Government operates the New Zealand Governance and Policy (NZGP) online collection, which forms part of the Analysis and Policy Observatory, a not-for-profit, open access digital research library and alert service.
The editor, Philip Worthington, is a Subject Librarian at Victoria University of Wellington and is available to talk directly with organisations interested in disseminating their work to audiences in New Zealand, Australia and beyond.
This collection and service aims to support public policy research and practice in Aotearoa/New Zealand by providing a "one stop shop" online.
About the collection
The collection provides easy access to a wide range of policy research resources:
- reports, discussion papers, working papers, journal articles
- text, audio and video resources
- from Government, academic, NGO & think tank sources
- all items are available in full text
NZGP is both a library as well as a news service, hosting an extensive collection of reliable current and historical research reputable sources and offers:
- a weekly New Zealand Policy Online Briefing, containing the week’s new resources and events (published on Tuesday morning)
- filtered searching and browsing to help researchers find specific research more easily
- social media and RSS feeds to alert readers to new content
- tools for users to make their own collections on the site, bookmarks, tags, lists, exportable citations and facility to add their own content
Contribute your content: Reports, discussion papers, journal articles and more
We welcome relevant submissions to help make this the most comprehensive policy and governance research service in New Zealand. We are also pleased to hear your thoughts on the types of material we collect and any suggestions of topics to consider in the future.
NZGP is also an excellent platform and distribution network for organisations to host their resources and to build tailored collections of material for their own and other researchers