Māori and Pasifika students

The School of Mathematics and Statistics is committed to supporting Māori and Pasifika students through their university experience.

Kia ora, Fakaalofa atu, Kia orana, Malo e lelei, Ni sa bula vinaka, Talofa lava and welcome to the School of Mathematics and Statistics.

We would like to congratulate you on choosing to study with us in the school of Mathematics and Statistics. You will face a range of new experiences and challenges, so it is essential to find the right support systems to ensure that you succeed while you are here.

STAT 193 Tutorial

The School has tutorials specifically designed to assist Māori and Pasifika students with Statistics in Practice (STAT 193). This course is for students who will be advancing in other disciplines as well as those majoring in Applied Statistics. For further information, please contact the course coordinator:

Senior Lecturer (Teaching)

School of Mathematics and Statistics

Māori and Pasifika advisors

Whakawhānautanga/ Mafutaga

Māori and Pasifika students from the school are invited to come along to a bi-monthly hui. This is an opportunity to get to know other Māori and Pasifika students that are enrolled in mathematics and statistics courses. All Māori and Pasifika students will receive an email invitation so come along for an informal gathering to establish an active Māori/Pasifika community in the School. Please contact Catilin Warwood for more information.

Information will be e-mailed to students.


Āwhina is the on-campus whānau for Māori students to work together to share knowledge, achieve academic success, and build strong communities and leaders.

Underpinning Āwhina's successes is the inclusive whānau environment where high expectations, aspirations and achievements, collective success and reciprocity are normalised.

Pasifika Student Success team

The Pasifika Student Success team can help all Pasifika students navigate their transition into tertiary study and their journey at the University.

They foster Pasifika learning and teaching communities in an environment that is welcoming, safe, and focused on academic excellence, personal growth, and wellbeing.