Kate Jensen
Email: kate.jensen@vuw.ac.nz
Office: Room 109, Level 1, Rutherford House, Pipitea campus, Wellington 6011
Supervisors: AProf Jayne Krisjanous & Dr Janet Davey
Kate Jensen is a PhD student in the School of Marketing and International Business. She began her doctoral studies in 2024 and is currently investigating the degree to which a specific servicescape supports elderly consumers to achieve tūrangawaewae. She has formerly been a student at Te Herenga Waka, completing her bachelor's degree in Marketing in 2021. She also tutored marketing research and social marketing in 2021. Kate’s PhD is examining the standardised servicescape of a rest-home resident's bedroom. Kate intends to carry out depth interviews with residents and their whānau. Using qualitative coding software to develop themes, she will then examine these themes, employing relevant consumer behaviour theories to develop conclusions. She aims to provide salient information on rest-home service provision for government departments and retirement village companies.
BComm (first class honours), Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington.
Research interests
Consumer behaviour theory of the extended self. Services marketing for vulnerable consumers. The ability of the elderly consumer to achieve tūrangawaewae/place to stand, within a specific servicescape.