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Find out about our PhD graduates and their completed research projects.
Impact of strategic entrepreneurship on capability development and performance of contract manufacturers in global value chains
Institutional influences on entry mode choices for multinational corporations from the perspective of legitimacy
Susceptibility to social influence in new product adoption: An exploration of its antecedents and consequences
The Relationship between Musicians and their Fans on Social Networking Sites: A Look into Musicians as Human Brands
The influence of psychological contract on exporter-distributor relationships and export venture performance
Factors in the effectiveness of anticipatory guilt and shame appeals on health communications: The role of self construal, regulatory focus and culture
The social effects of anger in international negotiations: The moderating role of self-regulation and power
Towards a general theory of markets: A social practice theory approach
Institutional distance and multinational enterprises governance mode: The role of vicarious and experiential learning
Morphogenetic Service Ecosystems: A critical realist analysis of the mechanisms of transformation
Foreign direct investment location choice: The role of institutions and organisational learning
Intra-multinational corporations knowledge transfer
Entry mode strategies of emerging market multinational enterprises (EMNEs)
More than words: Decoding the influence of user-generated images on VFR (visiting friends & relatives) travel
Consumers' internal motivations for sustainable consumption
The effects of Islamic business ethics and etiquettes on the business relationship lifecycle stages in the Jordanian Islamic banking sector
Confucian values, future time focus and prosocial motivation in marketing management
International Business: Asia Pacific perspectives in the healthcare industry
The effects of human-likeness of AI conversational agents on customer experience and online trust
An institutional analysis of emerging market MNEs FDI strategies
Consumer and ethical issues behind using corporate social reponsibility as advertising
You can’t post that, it’s offensive! Exploring how consumers process and react to offensive marketing communications online