Research at the School of Marketing and International Business
There is a strong focus on academic research at the School of Marketing and International Business. Learn about the School’s main research clusters.
Our staff are actively engaged in high-quality academic research in Marketing and International Business. Many of them are renowned internationally in their field and attract prestigious external funding.The research clusters below summarise some of the current research being conducted within the School that reflects the University's position as New Zealand’s globally ranked capital city university.
To make an enquiry, please email our PhD Programme Director at, who will send information about applying for at PhD in our school. Please do not contact individual academics.
Global and relationship marketing
Members of this research group are actively involved in contemporary and relevant business research projects spanning the globe.
Health and social marketing
Tying in with Victoria University of Wellington's health and well being theme, this group researches individual, community, and societal well being in a marketing context.
Internationalisation strategy
This group explores agile, adaptive and innovative management structures and processes adopted by internationalised SMEs and international entrepreneurs.
Institutions and emerging economies
This group focuses on emerging economy challenges and opportunities for advanced economy managers and firms from institutional perspectives.
Strategic branding and retailing
Our research cluster focuses on the challenges and opportunities in building, managing, measuring, and leveraging brand equity in different retail contexts, including online and offline as well as local and global.