International Business students treated to top-level speaker
Third-year International Business students have been given an insight into diplomatic life and the kinds of challenges that it presents by His Excellency Carmelo Barbarello, the Ambassador of Italy.
His Excellency Carmelo Barbarello, the Ambassador of Italy
Last week, third-year International Business students were treated to a guest speaker of the highest calibre in their 'Negotiating Across Borders' class.
His Excellency Carmelo Barbarello, the Ambassador of Italy, shared with the students his knowledge on international negotiations based on his previous postings in Ethiopia, Argentina and India.
His Excellency says he hoped the students left the class with "an idea of what diplomatic life can be like, and the kind of challenges that it presents".
Senior lecturer Dr Cheryl Rivers says it was an honour to have the Ambassador share his experience with her students.
"His wonderful descriptions of the complex intergovernmental negotiations brought home to my aspiring negotiators just how mindful they have to be. Little moves by them or their counterparts can have big consequences."
Head of School, Associate Professor Dan Laufer, says the School of Marketing and International Business encourages incorporating guest speakers from both the business and government sectors.
"Last year we had the Chief Marketing Officer of BurgerFuel talk about the company's global expansion strategy at an international marketing course. This year, we were fortunate to have the Italian ambassador.
"The integration of practitioners in the School's curriculum is a great way to enhance the learning environment for our students," he says.