Honours' programme

If you have an undergraduate degree and wish to keep learning, find out if the Honours' path is for you.

Bachelor of Arts with Honours

An Honours' degree is normally a one-year, full-time programme of course work (four 400-level courses) taken after the completion of a BA or a GDipArts in the relevant subject area. There is provision for Honours to be taken as a part-time course over a maximum of four years.

Admission to an Honours' programme at Victoria University of Wellington normally requires a Bachelor's degree in the same discipline, with the appropriate prerequisite courses. Candidates are normally expected to have an overall GPA of B+ or above, in their 300-level courses in the subject of their proposed Honours' programme. However, all applications are considered individually and recognition can be given to appropriate academic and relevant work experience.

The Honours' requirements for each subject area offered within the School are set out on the University website:

Take a look at the Bachelor of Arts with Honours for more information.

Honours' coordinator

If you are interested in undertaking postgraduate study in our School or have any questions, please contact:

Associate Professor

School of Languages and Cultures

School of Languages and Cultures