Showing 62 courses for the subject Classical Studies, Greek and Latin
Introduction to Greek
An introduction to ancient Greek for beginners, with emphasis on the acquisition of basic reading skills.
Introduction to Latin
An introduction to the Latin Language for beginners, with emphasis on the acquisition of basic reading skills.
Elementary Greek
A study of ancient Greek, assuming basic reading skills, with emphasis on the reading of texts in Attic Greek.
Elementary Latin
A study of Latin, assuming basic reading skills, with emphasis on the reading of selected texts.
The origins of Western culture in Ancient Europe: an introduction to ancient Greek and Roman civilization – history, war and conquest, politics, society, and culture.
Myth and Mythologies
CLAS 111 is a study of ancient myth in literature (poetry, drama, historiography, and other genres) and art. We will explore different ways of interpreting myths and seek to understand the meaning of myths in their contexts. Prominent themes include ...
This course examines ancient Greek attitudes and practices regarding death and dying through a wide range of different material, including material culture, literature, and historical sources. Topics include burial practices, 'good' and 'bad' deaths,...
Intermediate Greek
An integrated course of literature and language.
Latin Literature and Language A
An integrated course of literature and language designed to enhance the ability of students to read Latin more easily and develop an appreciation of Latin Literature.
Greek Literature
Literary and/or historical texts for translation, comment on subject matter, language and literary setting.
Latin Literature and Language B
An integrated course of literature and language to build on LATI 201 and further develop reading skills and literary appreciation.
Greek and Roman Drama
A study of the Greek and Roman dramatists with special emphasis on the theatrical techniques of the authors and the means of production in the ancient theatre. Co-taught with CLAS 303. Offered in alternate years.
Anthony and Cleopatra
A close study, through history, literature, and art, of the lives and careers of Mark Anthony and Cleopatra, with special attention given to their legacy both in the immediate aftermath of the age of Augustus and also in modern literature and art (in...
This course will look at the ways in which animals are represented and used in ancient Greek and Roman literature, myth, art, religion, philosophy and everyday life.
Roman Social History
A study of the main features of Roman social history from the time of Augustus to AD 200. Topics include class structure, law, education, the family, slavery, poverty and public entertainment. Offered in alternate years.
Greek Society
A study of ancient Greek society, particularly Athens in the Classical period. Topics include sex, gender, politics, education, entertainment, and food and agriculture. Co-taught with CLAS 308.
Greek and Roman Epic
The development of Classical Epic, from Homer to Vergil and his successors. What is distinctive about epic artistry and the connection of epic poetry to the societies that value it. Co-taught with CLAS 310. Offered in alternate years. 50% internal as...
Myth and Storytelling
A study of the diverse functions of myth and storytelling in Greek and Roman literature and society, and the intersection of mythical and rational modes of thought.
A study of Greek art, archaeology, and other forms of material culture and the ways in which they were utilised to express Greek identity, whether political, social, cultural or religious.
An examination of sexual behaviour and gender in Greece and Rome from the early days of Greece to the Roman empire. The course begins with terms and concepts in modern-day discussions of sexual behaviour and gender and then proceeds chronologically t...
This course takes a deep dive on the ancient god Dionysos, also known as Bacchus or Liber: a god of wine, madness, death, and drama (and sex). We will investigate the significance and influence of Dionysos in ancient society, religion, politics, poet...
This course examines ancient Greek attitudes a attitudes and practices regarding death and dying through a wide range of different material, including material culture, literature, and historical sources. Topics include burial practices, 'good' and '...
Advanced Greek Literature A
Literary and/or historical texts for translation, comment on subject matter, language and literary setting.
Advanced Latin Literature
Literary and/or historical texts for translation, comment on subject matter, language, and literary setting.
Advanced Greek Literature B
Literary and/or historical texts for translation, comment on subject matter, language and literary setting.
Advanced Latin Literature
Literary and/or historical texts for translation, comment on subject matter, language and literary setting.
Greek and Roman Drama
A study of the Greek and Roman dramatists with special emphasis on the theatrical techniques of the authors and the means of production in the ancient theatre.
Antony and Cleopatra
A close study, through history, literature, and art, of the lives and careers of Mark Antony and Cleopatra, with special attention given to their legacy both in the immediate aftermath of the age of Augustus and also in modern literature and art (inc...
This course looks at the ways in which animals are represented and used in ancient Greek literature, myth, art, religion and everyday life.
Roman Social History
A study of the main features of Roman social history from the time of Augustus to AD 200. Topics include class structure, law, education, the family, slavery, poverty and public entertainment. Co-taught with CLAS 207. Offered in alternate years.
Greek Society
A study of ancient Greek society, particularly Athens in the Classical period. Topics include sex, gender, politics, education, entertainment, and food and agriculture. Co-taught with CLAS 208.
Greek and Roman Epic
The development of Classical Epic, from Homer to Vergil and his successors. What is distinctive about epic artistry and the connection of epic poetry to the societies that value it that value it. Offered in alternate years.
Myth and Storytelling
A study of the diverse functions of myth and storytelling in Greek and Roman literature and society, and the intersection of mythical and rational modes of thought. Co-taught with CLAS 211. Offered in alternate years.
The city of Rome was central to the Roman empire ideologically as well as geographically. This course uses archaeological and literary evidence to examine both Rome and other important cities in the empire as spaces of human activity, places imbued w...
An examination of sexual behaviour and gender in Greece and Rome from the early days of Greece to the Roman empire. The course begins with terms and concepts in modern-day discussions of sexual behaviour and gender and then proceeds chronologically t...
Directed Individual Study
Students will undertake an approved, supervised programme of research and study on a selected theme/topic in Classical Studies.
Directed Individual Study
Students will undertake an approved, supervised programme of research and study on a selected theme/topic in Classical Studies.
This course takes a deep dive on the ancient god Dionysos, also known as Bacchus or Liber: a god of wine, madness, death, and drama (and sex). We will investigate the significance and influence of Dionysos in ancient society, religion, politics, poet...
Greek Field Trip
A study of various Greek archaeological sites with special emphasis on sites in Crete. Co-taught with CLAS 420. Note: A maximum of 20 students can be accepted for this and CLAS 420 in any year. An extra fee beyond that for a 20-point course will appl...
Topic in Literary Genre
An author or genre of ancient literature for presentation, discussion and contextual analysis.
Greek Prose Texts
This course will examine selected Greek Prose Texts.
Latin Prose Texts
This course will examine selected Latin Prose Texts.
Topic in Art
Ancient art, architecture and archaeology of the Bronze Age Aegean, Greek, Roman and/or Etruscan worlds for presentation, discussion and contextual analysis. For further information contact
Greek Tragedy
This course will examine selected Greek Tragedy Texts.
This course will examine selected Augustans Texts.
Greek Verse Texts
This course will examine selected Greek Verse Texts.
Latin Verse Texts
This course will examine selected Latin Verse Texts.
A period or topic of ancient history and/or historiography for presentation, discussion and contextual analysis.
Special Topic
50% internal assessment, 50% examination.
This course will examine selected Latin texts.
The Historia Augusta (a fifth century collection of imperial biographies) has been variously described as wretched, incompetent and the fabrications of a “rogue grammarian”, but also as encoded, allegorical and sophisticated historical anarchy. What ...
A topic in ancient society and/or culture for presentation, discussion and contextual analysis.
Directed Individual Study
Students will undertake an approved, supervised programme of research and study on a selected theme/topic in Classical Studies.
Directed Individual Study
Students will undertake an approved, supervised programme of research and study on a selected theme/topic in Classical Studies.
Greek Field Trip
A study of various Greek archaeological sites with special emphasis on sites in Crete. Co-taught with CLAS 320. Note: A maximum of 20 students can be accepted for this and CLAS 320 in any year. An extra fee beyond that for a 30-point course will appl...
Research Project
A research project, usually in the form of an extended essay of 10,000 words, with regular guidance from a supervisor. Students are expected to show familiarity with the literature in their chosen field, and to write a the field and demonstrating ind...
Research Project
A research project, usually in the form of an extended essay of 10,000 words, with regular guidance from a supervisor. Students are expected to show familiarity with the literature in their chosen field, and to write a substantial discussion, engagin...
Research Project
A research project, usually in the form of an extended essay of 10,000 words, with regular guidance from a supervisor. Students are expected to show familiarity with the literature in their chosen field, and to write a substantial discussion, engagin...
MA thesis in Classical Studies.
MA thesis in Classics.
Classical Studies for PhD
Classics for PhD
Showing results 1 - 62 of 62 results
Showing 1 - 62 of 62 results for Classical Studies, Greek and Latin