Showing 40 courses for the subject Asian Studies
Aotearoa New Zealand and Asia
An interdisciplinary introduction to the study of aspects of Asia, via a focus on the relationship between Asia and New Zealand. Topics include historical contacts, economic and political relations, cultural globalisation, and immigrant communities.
Chinese Language 1A
This is a beginners Chinese (Mandarin) course developing basics in reading, writing, speaking and listening in Modern Standard Chinese, using pinyin and simplified characters. Various aspects of Chinese culture will also be introduced. This course is...
This course is designed for those with no knowledge of Japanese. It covers basic oral and written skills including hiragana, katakana and 58 kanji. This course is for absolute beginners. It may not be taken by students with prior knowledge of the lan...
Chinese Language 1B
This course is a continuation of CHIN 101, further developing students' Chinese (Mandarin) language skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening at an elementary level. Various aspects of Chinese culture will also be introduced.
Elementary Japanese
This course increases basic proficiency in oral and written Japanese. 150 Kanji are covered.
Asia is significant to New Zealand’s future. But how much do you know about this incredibly vast, dynamic and diverse region? In this course we will discuss key societal aspects of Northeast, Southeast and South Asia. You will learn about the basic c...
This is a survey course introducing some of the salient features of Chinese civilisation from prehistoric times to the present century. Topics include literature, thought and scholarship, religious beliefs, art, and the cultural and social achievemen...
This course, taught in English, is designed to introduce students to major aspects of the history, society, cultures and language of Japan. The course will provide a good all-round basic knowledge of Japan that will be of value both to students inten...
Contemporary Asian Society
An in-depth look at contemporary Asian societies with particular attention to economic, political and social change within the region and how these changes have been manifested in cultural productions.
Chinese Language 2A
This course builds on the listening, speaking, reading and writing skills acquired in CHIN 102. Special attention is placed on developing students’ ability to communicate in Chinese in basic social interactions and in further understanding Chinese so...
Japanese Language 2A
This course is a continuation of the work done in JAPA 102 in all four language skills; reading, writing, listening and speaking. By the end of this course, students will acquire the knowledge of basic Japanese grammar and will understand approximate...
Chinese Language 2B
As for CHIN 201, with further development of students' Chinese communication skills and their understanding of Chinese language and culture.
Japanese Language 2B
This course is a continuation of the work done in JAPA 201 in all four language skills; reading, writing, listening and speaking. By the end of this course, students will acquire the knowledge of basic Japanese grammar and will understand approximate...
Modern Korean Society
This course offers a study of contemporary Korean society and popular culture and draws on primary sources from literature, film and music. Co-taught with ASIA 304.
Are you interested in learning about how East Asia’s history and culture has become vital in Aotearoa New Zealand? In this course we will explore the rich traditions of China and Japan and other communities in the region such as Korea and the Ryūkyū ...
This course examines East Asian cinema from the early twentieth century to the present. Selected East Asian films are studied in their historical, political and cultural context with special emphasis on issues related to nationhood, modernity, gender...
Special Topic:TBC
A study of key aspects of Chinese culture through analysis of selected literary texts and films in their social and historical context. No prior knowledge of Chinese language is necessary.
A study of key aspects of Japanese culture through analysis of selected literary texts and films in their social and historical context. No prior knowledge of Japanese language is necessary.
A study of Gandhi and his India and his influence on democratic movements in other parts of the British Empire, South Africa and the USA.
Nation and Nationalism in Asia
What is a nation? What is nationalism? This course provides an interdisciplinary context within which students explore these important questions as they relate to Asian Studies.
Chinese Language 3A
This course builds on the language skills acquired at 200 level. Cultural topics reinforce understanding of the language and people.
Japanese Language 3A
This course is a continuation of the work done in JAPA 202 in all four language skills; reading, writing, listening and speaking. By the end of this course, students will acquire the knowledge of basic Japanese grammar and will understand approximate...
A supervised programme of research and study on selected themes in Asian Studies.
Chinese Language 3B
The further study of language skills with translation both from and into Chinese, and communication in Chinese.
Japanese Language 3B
This course is a continuation of the work done in JAPA 301 in all four language skills; reading, writing, listening and speaking. By the end of this course, students will acquire the knowledge of basic Japanese grammar and will understand approximate...
Modern Korean Society
This course offers a study of contemporary Korean society and popular culture and draws on primary sources from literature, film and music. Co-taught with ASIA 203.
Film Cultures B
This course is an advanced study of a film culture or linked film cultures that are fostered through shared production, distribution and exhibition practices and that emerge from particular cultural or subcultural contexts. It explores the relationsh...
An introductory course in the classical language, employing selected historical and philosophical texts from the pre-Qin and Han periods. Students are also instructed in the use of a range of sinological reference materials.
A course for native speakers and advanced learners of Chinese that gives emphasis to written Chinese composition, both formal and informal, along with practical translation both to and from Chinese.
This course explores the many forms in which Japanese people have identified with and understood them, and how they have shaped Japanese culture throughout history and in contemporary times. You will explore research materials in both English and Ja...
This course introduces students to aspects of the culture, society and history of Japan through the reading of selected texts in Japanese and English and audio-visual materials. The course is conducted in English.
Studies in Music of Asia
Study of select music cultures of Asia and in-depth consideration of musical practices from a range of historical, ethnographic, or critical frameworks.
An examination of a variety of disciplinary, conceptual and methodological issues relating to Asian Studies, with particular emphasis on interdisciplinary skills.
Advanced Chinese Language
Advanced level study of written and spoken Chinese, with particular reference to the language of the print and electronic media of China; advanced practical translation from and into Chinese; tuition in the use of a range of contemporary reference to...
Global Cultures in Context
This course considers cultures as both local and global phenomena and addresses their development and evolution from an interdisciplinary range of theoretical and methodological perspectives in intercultural communication.
Research Project
A supervised research exercise.
Research Project
A supervised research exercise.
MA thesis in Asian Studies.
Asian Studies for PhD
Showing results 1 - 40 of 40 results
Showing 1 - 40 of 40 results for Asian Studies