
Studying languages and cultures gives you an edge both personally and professionally.

Knowledge of different languages and cultures expands our minds, transforms our experience of the world and brings benefits to local and global economies. Business and international relationships flourish when people from different cultures understand one another, making those who hold that understanding valuable employees.

Language skills and cultural competency transfer readily across a broad range of sectors including health, education, communications, social work, justice and business.

In addition to jobs where languages are key such as a translator, interpreter or a languages teacher, languages can add value to other work skills. Languages are particularly valuable in industries which are global in focus such as diplomacy, importing/exporting, media, development, consulting and research-based organisations.

Add a second language to a tourism degree and the advantage is obvious, however, a bilingual marketing manager will also enjoy enhanced job opportunities. Many large law and accounting firms are internationally networked and overseas secondments are a possibility quite early in a graduate’s career.

A second language can also be an extremely valuable research tool. It can broaden the field of study and make it possible to access material published in languages other than English. This is particularly important in the science and technology disciplines, and a big advantage in the study of music, art history, history and politics.