Vinko Kerr-Harris

Vinko Kerr-Harris examined the impact of cultural exchange between Bronze Age Crete and Pharaonic Egypt upon the development of elite culture in Minoan society.

 profile-picture photograph

MA in Classical Studies
School of Languages and Cultures



BA(Hons), VUW


Vinko is a Senior Tutor, Visiting Scholar, and recent MA graduate of the Classics program at Victoria University of Wellington. His research area is the Aegean Bronze Age, with a focus on interconnectivity and exchange, death and ritual, sacred landscapes, and sensorial experiences in Minoan Crete. He also has an interest in the archeology of Egypt and early Iron Age Greece, ancient cuisine, classical reception in contemporary media, and the (mis)appropriation of antiquity as propaganda by political extremists and authoritarian regimes. Vinko is a member of the editorial collective for Amphora: A Peer-Reviewed Ancient World Journal, and when not occupied with academic work he moonlights as a public servant.


Dr Judy K. Deuling (Ret.)

Associate Dean, Students

Wellington Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


  • Aegean Diffusions – Diffusions of Power: Cultural Connections Between Minoan Crete and Pharaonic Egypt (2019), School of Languages and Cultures, Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington

Conference Papers:

  • Dread-nots: Hairstyles, Revisionism, and Cultural (Mis)Appropriation in Aegean Art. (2021). Amphorae XV: Hindsight is 2020, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
  • And in the Darkness, Bind Them”: Darkness as a Ritual Environment in Minoan Crete. (2020). Amphorae XIV: Change and Continuity, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia
  • Getting High in the Bronze Age: Architecture, Ritual Space, and the Emergence of New Social Hierarchies in Minoan Crete. (2019) Amphorae XIII: Future Directions, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
  • Let Them Drink Cleanskin: Alcohol and the Construction of Social Hierarchies in the Minoan Bronze Age. (2018) Amphorae XII, University of Auckland, New Zealand

As Co-Editor

  • Amphora: A Peer-Reviewed Ancient World Journal Volume 2 (2021). University of Melbourne/ASCS
  • Amphora: A Peer-Reviewed Ancient World Journal Volume 1 (2018). University of Melbourne/ASCS